Angry Goblin

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Vagabond • Warty • Rowdy • Deformed • Angry • Rugged • Monstrous

Angry Goblin is a monster players can encounter in the Goblin Camp within Hopeforest. They are a variant of Vagabond Goblin and are unlocked at level 132 in the Scout Profession. They attack with Infernae damage, are immune to Infernae damage, and are vulnerable to Tempestae damage.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Goblins only have a melee Infernae attack.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Drops[edit | edit source]

Current drop rates and ranges are tentative and should not be considered final.

There is a 2/5 chance of rolling on the faction equipment table for items ranging from level 147 to 152.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.