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Scout is a type of profession which specializes in combat in the second region of Hopeforest. It focuses on unlocking higher strength monsters to fight and allows the player to wield higher level weapons and armor, provided they have the requisite level to do so. In order to level Scout past level 50, the player must choose a faction by following the Main Story.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Scout is the combat profession for Episode 2: Hopeforest.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

As a Combat profession, Scout uses weapons and armour to train the profession.

Training methods[edit | edit source]

Active monsters[edit | edit source]

Here are the enemies a player can engage in combat with to raise their Scout level. Upon defeating an enemy, players will accrue a percentage based increase toward their Knowledge Points, as well as a chance to receive armor and weapons that correspond with their current Scout level.

This list is updated dynamically. (wrong?)
EnemyHPAttack StyleImmune ToVulnerableFound AtXPAlbum XP
00Ragged Outlaw100 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)205250
02Vagabond Goblin103 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)221265
04Grizzly Bear106 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)238281
06Twisted Wendigo109 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)256298
08Common Viper112 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)276315
010Lean Spriggan115 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)297334
012Rotting Bramblelith118 Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)319354
014Murmuring Shade121 Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)343375
1016Disreputable Outlaw125 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)369397
1218Warty Goblin128 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)397421
1422Shambling Bear136 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)468463
1628Horned Viper147 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)548520
1833Wirehair Wendigo158 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)625573
2239Bright-eyed Spriggan172 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)758643
2847Mean Outlaw192 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)895750
3352Budding Bramblelith206 Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)1039825
3958Slinking Shade223 Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)1196926
4763Rowdy Goblin239 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)13911020
5271Gray Bear268 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)16821190
5877Asp Viper291 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)20011335
6382Gaudy Outlaw312 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)22311470
7188Roughbark Spriggan339 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)24991650
7796Silverhide Wendigo378 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)32361925
82101Stalking Bramblelith403 Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)35762119
88107Deformed Goblin420 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)40192379
96112Gray Shade435 Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)46032619
101121Hungry Bear463 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)52773115
107126Sneaky Outlaw479 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)58163429
112132Cotton Mouth Viper499 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)65363849
121138Leafswirl Spriggan521 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)74894321
126146Furious Wendigo550 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)? (edit)
132152Angry Goblin574 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)96465657
138157Shaggy Bear594 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)? (edit)
146166Creeping Bramblelith632 Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)126667407
152171Nimble Outlaw654 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)139608156
157177Wailing Shade682 Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)157169155
166183Arrow Head Viper711 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)1797410276
171191Stretching Spriggan752 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)2060011987
177197Menacing Wendigo784 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)2387513455
183209Rugged Goblin851 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)2600015016
191227Tough Outlaw965 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)2957816661
197254Cinnamon Bear1163 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)3319419473
209272Razor Bramblelith? (edit)
Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)? (edit)
227290Rock Viper? (edit)
Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)? (edit)
254308Spooky Shade? (edit)
Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)? (edit)
272335Mysterious Spriggan2039 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)5265231090
290354Monstrous Goblin2326 Infernae Infernae TempestaeGoblin Camp (8)58171? (edit)
308372Notorious Outlaw2635 ImpactNone ArboraeForest Clearing (5), Forest Path (5)6428238497
335390Terrifying Wendigo2986 Cryonae Cryonae InfernaeIvy Junction (4), Ivy Trail (5)7311442715
354417Black Bear3600 ImpactNone CryonaeBear Clearing (4), Bear Behind (4)82510? (edit)
372435Magnificent Viper4079 Tempestae Tempestae CryonaeSnakes Clearing (4), Snakes Path (4)9117355396
390453Deadly Bramblelith? (edit)
Arborae Arborae TempestaeRising Trail (4), Wooded Clifftop (4)100741? (edit)
417471Powerful Spriggan5235 Arborae Arborae InfernaeTreeway Junction (4), Treeway Trail (4)11195968199
435490Terrifying Shade5971 Necromae Necromae ArboraeTwisted Junction (4), Twisted Road (4)12085376110

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Passive monsters[edit | edit source]

Here are the enemies a player can unlock via Knowledge Points as a means to engage in combat with passively to raise their Scout level. A player character will continue to fight against these enemies even after being logged out, and potentially gain materials to use with other professions, however they do not award any progress towards gaining additional Knowledge Points. Passive monsters all take 20 seconds to kill when fought using a weapon of the minimum required strength. Stronger weapons may reduce this time down to a minimum of 5 seconds, however the XP, coins, and items per kill will be reduced such that the total of these awarded per hour is independent of weapon strength.

This list is updated dynamically. (wrong?)
Enemy KPLocationXPXP /hrAlbum XP
2040Squealing Wild Boar1Huntsman's Clearing91,620446
2545Primitive Wildman2Leafy Junction101,800491
3050Freshmat Moss Monster3Stump Clearing111,980541
3656Striped Aboredon4Tree Lined Trail122,160607
4161Annoying Giant Fly5Mine Road East132,340668
4464Jumping Tree Cat6Cliffside Junction142,520708
4969Deepwood Satyr7Secluded Dead End152,700779
5575Gray Wolf8Wolves' Den173,060874
6080Coarse-haired Wild Boar9Huntsman's Clearing183,240963
6686Shaggy Wildman9Leafy Junction213,7801,081
6989Yellowing Moss Monster11Stump Clearing223,9601,145
7494Amber-eyed Giant Fly12Mine Road East244,3201,260
7999Ruffed Aboredon13Tree Lined Trail264,6801,388
85105Sabertooth Tree Cat14Cliffside Junction295,2201,558
90110Crazed Wildman15Leafy Junction325,7601,715
93113Timber Wolf16Wolves' Den346,1201,817
99119Cavorting Satyr17Secluded Dead End386,8402,039
104124Old Wild Boar18Huntsman's Clearing386,8402,245
110130Longleaf Moss Monster19Stump Clearing478,4602,520
115135Dirty Giant Fly20Mine Road East529,3602,775
118138Beaded Aboredon21Tree Lined Trail5810,4402,940
124144Snarling Wildman22Leafy Junction6211,1603,300
129149Rock Wolf23Wolves' Den6812,2403,633
135155Rabid Tree Cat24Cliffside Junction7613,6804,078
140160Banded Wild Boar25Huntsman's Clearing8415,1204,490
143163Gray Satyr26Secluded Dead End8916,0204,757
149169Fungusback Moss Monster27Stump Clearing9917,8205,340
155175Hairy Giant Fly28Mine Road East11119,9805,994
160180Agile Wildman29Leafy Junction12322,1406,599
163183Crested Aboredon30Tree Lined Trail13023,4006,992
169189Proudtail Wolf31Wolves' Den14626,2807,848
174194White Wild Boar32Huntsman's Clearing16128,9808,641
180200Spotted Tree Cat33Cliffside Junction18032,4009,699
185205Widefist Moss Monster34Stump Clearing? (edit)
? (edit)
188208Hideous Satyr35Secluded Dead End? (edit)
? (edit)
194214Red-haired Wildman36Leafy Junction23642,48012,700
200220Blue-tinged Giant Fly40Mine Road East1268228,24014,255
218238Frostmane Wolf44Wolves' Den? (edit)
? (edit)
236256Fearsome Wild Boar48Huntsman's Clearing? (edit)
? (edit)
245265Leopard Aboredon52Tree Lined Trail1644295,92018,486
263283Craggy Moss Monster56Stump Clearing? (edit)
? (edit)
281301Savage Tree Cat60Cliffside Junction? (edit)
? (edit)
299319Aggressive Wildman64Leafy Junction? (edit)
? (edit)
317337Wily Satyr68Secluded Dead End? (edit)
? (edit)
326346Glistening Giant Fly72Mine Road East? (edit)
? (edit)
345365Dire Wolf76Wolves' Den? (edit)
? (edit)
? (edit)
363383Great Wild Boar80Huntsman's Clearing3249584,82036,547
381401Spiked Aboredon84Tree Lined Trail3605648,90040,552
399419Dangerous Wildman88Leafy Junction4000720,00044,995
408428Lumbering Moss Monster92Stump Clearing4213758,340? (edit)
426446Daggerclaw Tree Cat96Cliffside Junction? (edit)
? (edit)
444464Grotesque Giant Fly100Mine Road East5187933,660? (edit)
462482Evil Satyr104Secluded Dead End? (edit)
? (edit)
? (edit)
480500Terror Wolf108Wolves' Den63861,149,48071,838

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Quests[edit | edit source]

Quests with a Scout level requirement[edit | edit source]

Difficulty Quest Level

Quests rewarding Scout experience[edit | edit source]

Difficulty Quest Experience reward
★☆☆☆☆ Get Clearance From Jal 63,200
★★★☆☆ Spider's Nest 28,500
★★★★★ Forgotten Things 63,500

Capes of Accomplishment[edit | edit source]

The Scout Cape is a piece of equipment unlocked by achieving various milestones through leveling the Scout profession and can be purchased from Daguer at The Cloakroom located in Hopeport.

Level Cape Cost
50 504 Silver 0 Copper
100 1 Gold 290 Silver 0 Copper
200 3 Gold 160 Silver 0 Copper
500 9 Gold 360 Silver 0 Copper

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.

Trivia[edit | edit source]