Coarse Pine Log

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Coarse • Rugged • Average • Fine • Sturdy • Perfect

Coarse Pine Log is an item obtained from felling Pine Trees by Woodcutter profession; with a Woodcutter level of 4 and a Hatchet for 89 Woodcutter experience.

It is used to make Coarse Pine Posts for the Carpenter profession by processing them with the Circular Saw found in the Carpenter's Workshop. The posts can then be further processed into Coarse Pine Poles at the Wood Lathe. The saw step awards 63 Carpenter experience and produces two poles, each of which gives 32 experience at the lathe.

It can be stored in the Lumber Bank, or bought from and sold to Gwen's Lumber.

Products[edit | edit source]

2 × 4

Item sources[edit | edit source]

Bedside TableUnknown1Unknown
Pine Tree (coarse)4 Woodcutter1Always

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Shop Episode Buy price Sell price
Gwen's Lumber (shop) Hopeforest 570 Copper 228 Copper

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Update History[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.