Yew Tree

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A Yew Tree is a Woodcutter skill node located in Hopeforest. It can be felled with a Two Person Saw, yielding a Yew Log. Its branches may also be passively lopped using Tree Loppers for Yew Branches.

Yew trees take seven seconds to fell solo, or six seconds if two players work together in co-op mode, which will also grant a slight boost in experience obtained per log. Once felled, yew trees will respawn after 45 seconds.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Variants[edit | edit source]

Yew Tree.png16 38
Yew Tree.png63 81
Yew Tree.png120 128
Yew Tree.png178 173
Yew Tree.png310 259
Yew Tree.png490 404

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Yew Tree Strategy. Red is the path between trees. Black is the path to deposit in the storage rift.

The most efficient place to fell yew trees is in the vicinity of the Narrow Path, where there are 4 trees close to each other, and a storage rift. Yew trees take longer to fell than other species of tree, so only 4 can realistically be chopped before they respawn.

The 4 trees shown in the picture, forming the red path, are close enough together that all 4 can be chopped in sequence just as they respawn. One cycle takes 53 seconds, for 13.25 seconds per tree or 271 logs per hour. One full inventory takes 6 cycles, after which the logs must be dropped, sold, or banked.

Dropping the logs is the fastest strategy and can be done with practically no time loss, maintaining 271 logs per hour at the cost of giving no items or coins.

Depositing the logs in the Tangled Path storage rift is the second fastest strategy. Travelling to and from the storage rift takes 21 seconds and must be performed every 6 cycles, resulting in a rate of 255 logs per hour. This stores the logs in the Lumber Bank, the most convenient location to use them for training Carpentry, saving money from buying those logs in the future.

Selling the logs to Gwen as you chop them is not recommended, as her shop is a considerable distance away. However, it is possible to make trips between the lumber bank and Gwen's shop to sell the logs after banking. Players without access to the storage rift may teleport to the Hopeforest Central Portal Stone and run to either the shop or the bank as they choose, however unlocking the rifts should be a priority for anyone intending to chop a considerable number of yew trees.

Co-op[edit | edit source]

Yew trees may be felled in co-op, which provides slightly more XP per log than when felling solo, and saves around one second per tree. However, players must stand on opposite sides of the tree to perfom the co-op action, which takes additional time to set up. Therefore the path to follow for co-op yew trees is the same as for solo, with approximately the same chops per hour.

Comparisons[edit | edit source]

This list is updated dynamically
Variant Discarding 271 log/hr Depositing 255 log/hr
XP (solo) XP (co-op) XP (solo) XP (co-op) Saved vs buying
Coarse 43,902 50,135 41,310 47,175 321 Silver 300 Copper
Rugged 118,969 135,771 111,945 127,755 884 Silver 850 Copper
Average 335,769 ? 315,945 ? 1 Gold 782 Silver 450 Copper
Fine 1,067,469 1,221,126 1,004,445 1,149,030 2 Gold 856 Silver 0 Copper
Sturdy 3,174,223 ? 2,986,815 ? 6 Gold 349 Silver 500 Copper
Perfect 8,573,085 9,841,907 8,066,925 9,260,835 13 Gold 5 Silver 0 Copper

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.