Hickory Tree

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A Hickory Tree is a Woodcutter skill node located in Hopeforest. It can be felled with a Hatchet, yielding a Hickory Log. Its branches may also be passively lopped using Tree Loppers for Hickory Branches.

Hickory Trees take 3.5 seconds to fell with a hatchet, and have a 45 second respawn timer.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Variants[edit | edit source]

Hickory Tree.png6 20
Hickory Tree.png32 66
Hickory Tree.png89 110
Hickory Tree.png147 155
Hickory Tree.png208 200
Hickory Tree.png396 345

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Hickory Tree Strategy. Red is the path between trees. Black is the path to deposit in the storage rift.

The most efficient place to fell Hickory Trees is in the vicinity of the Secluded Junction, where there are 6 trees close to each other, and a storage rift.

The 6 trees shown in the picture are close enough together that all 6 may be chopped in sequence before they respawn. This path is marked in red, and a cycle takes 54 seconds, for 9 seconds per tree or 400 logs per hour.

After every 24 logs chopped, the player's inventory will be full, and the logs must dropped, sold, or banked.

Discarding the logs by dropping them on the floor is the fastest option, and can be done with practically no time loss. This maintains 400 logs per hour, at the cost of giving no items or coins.

Depositing the hickory logs in the storage rift in the nearby Tangled Path is the second fastest option. Travelling to and from the storage rift takes 24 seconds and must be performed after ever 4 cycles, resulting in a total value of 360 logs per hour. This stores logs in the Lumber Bank, the most convenient location to use them for training Carpentry, saving money from buying those logs in the future from Gwen.

Selling the hickory logs as you chop them is not recommended, as it is a considerable distance to the shop where they may be sold, however after banking it is possible to make trips between the lumber bank and the shop to sell the logs. Players without access to the storage rift may teleport to Hopeforest Central Portal Stone and run to either the shop or the bank as they choose, however unlocking the rifts should be a priority for anyone intending to chop a considerable number of Hickory Trees.

Comparisons[edit | edit source]

This list is updated dynamically
Variant Discarding 400 log/hr Depositing 360 log/hr
XP XP Saved vs buying
Coarse 38,000 34,200 222 Silver 120 Copper
Rugged 74,000 66,600 496 Silver 800 Copper
Average 206,000 185,400 1 Gold 220 Silver 400 Copper
Fine 597,200 537,480 2 Gold 217 Silver 600 Copper
Sturdy 1,714,400 1,542,960 3 Gold 499 Silver 200 Copper
Perfect 4,733,600 4,260,240 9 Gold 72 Silver 0 Copper

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.