Suave Pole

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Suave Pole is type of item that can be made at the Wood Lathe. It can be stored in the Timber Bank, sold to the Timber Merchant Shop, or used for weapon crafting with the Stonemason and Bonewright professions.

Variants[edit | edit source]

Coarse Suave Pole.pngCoarse Suave Pole12 0➨71
Rugged Suave Pole.pngRugged Suave Pole51 66➨123
Average Suave Pole.pngAverage Suave Pole110 116➨173
Fine Suave Pole.pngFine Suave Pole170 168➨282
Sturdy Suave Pole.pngSturdy Suave Pole291 258➨450
Perfect Suave Pole.pngPerfect Suave Pole473 425➨500

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.