Vicious Deathcrow

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Vicious Deathcrow is a variant of Deathcrow found in Hopeport that may be fought by level 180 Guards and above. Deathcrows are immune to Necromae damage and are weak to Cryonae damage.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Deathcrows have two different melee Necromae attacks, with different animations, which are used under various circumstances.

  • If they are attacked whilst on the ground, they will walk towards the player and peck them.
  • If they are attacked whilst flying, they will fly towards the player and scratch them with their claws instead.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Drops[edit | edit source]

Current drop rates and ranges are tentative and should not be considered final.

There is a 2/5 chance of rolling on the faction equipment table for items ranging from level 195 to 200.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.