B.R.E.W.S. Vat

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The B.R.E.W.S. Vat – B.R.E.W.S being shorthand for Bone Reinforcing, Enhancing, and Whitening Solution – is a machine used to brew bones. The vat can be filled with up to six bones of a single type per use before lowering them into the solution with the B.R.E.W.S. Lever.

After preparing the bones, they can then be used by the Bonewright to create shields and weaponry.



First the B.R.E.W.S. Vat must be loaded with bones. Up to 6 bones of the same type may be loaded into the machine one at a time, each taking 2.5 seconds.

Then the lever is turned, which activates the brewing process. Regardless of the number of bones in the machine, this process takes the same amount of time.

Lastly, the brewed bonesare removed from the vat all at once. Experience and knowledge is awarded at this step.

In total, etching a batch of 6 bones takes 27 seconds, which averages to 4.66 seconds per bone. However a bone brewed individually will take 17 seconds, so it is highly recommended to brew bones in batches.

If at any point the process is aborted, the un-brewed bones will be returned to the players inventory, even if the brewing part of the process has been completed.

B.R.E.W.S. Vat Products

Update history

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