User:Ryan/ws/Cooking training

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A player cooking basic bacon.

The Chef profession is one of the five professions unlocked in Hopeport, in which player characters utilize ingredients sourced from the Forager, Fisher and Gatherer professions, as well as non-player characters such as Kevin's store and the Fishmonger to create different dishes in the Delectable Dab Kitchen using various cooking stations. Recipes for each dish can be located within the Chef Recipe Book, and players can store ingredients in the ingredients bank.

Currently, as food cannot be eaten by the player character, prepared dishes are instead favoured as a source of money-making. This can be achieved either by selling excess dishes to the Head Chef within the Delectable Dab's kitchen, or from level 9 onward, players can undertake bounties from the Chef's Bounty Board to deliver meals to non-player characters around Hopeport, totalling four per hour, with no time limit on the delivery once accepted.

Useful Items

Level Cape
50 Journeyman Chef Cape
100 Adept Chef Cape
200 Expert Chef Cape
500 Ultimate Chef Cape

Buying Ingredients from Shops

The below table assumes 368 Soups per hour

Item Level XP XP/hour Ingredient Cost Selling price Profit/Loss P(L)/Hour
Basic Bacon Sandwich 0 67
Lesser Jellied Eels 2 69
Basic Omelette 4 38
Basic Sausage and Mash 6 118
Basic Vegetable Stew 8 80
Gray Jellied Eels 10 87
Appetizing Bacon Sandwich 12 95
Basic Chicken and Leek Pie 14 102
Yellowtail Gurnard Soup 16 56
Appetizing Sausage and Mash 18 167
Rocky Jellied Eels 22 122
Appetizing Vegetable Stew 25 129
Appetizing Chicken and Leek Pie 30 148
Placid Grilled Bass 32 78
Fine Bacon Sandwich 38 175
Rord Jellied Eels 43 179
Appetizing Lobster Thermidor 45 287
Common Fried Ray Wings 50 106
Fine Chicken and Leek Pie 56 253
Bigeye Gurnard Soup 61 137
Fine Vegetable Stew 63 268
Appetizing Omelette 68
Beach Oysters with Lemon Juice 74
Fine Sausage and Mash 76
Moray Jellied Eels 81
Tasty Chicken and Leek Pie 86
Dim Fried Ray Wings 89
Tasty Bacon Sandwich 94
Striped Grilled Bass 99
Basic Cod and Chips 102
Blackfin Gurnard Soup 107
Fine Lobster Thermidor 112
Soldier Fried Ray Wings 115
Tasty Vegetable Stew 120
Tasty Sausage and Mash 125
Appetizing Cod and Chips 131
Signal Oysters With Lemon Juice 133
Conger Jellied Eels 139
Tasty Omelette 144
Nimble Fried Ray Wings 147
Emerald Grilled Bass 152
Delicious Sausage and Mash 157
Shiny Gurnard Soup 160
Puffer Sashmi 379
Level Item

Total Ingredient Cost Sell Value Profit XP Album XP Ingredients XP/Hour Profit/Hour 0 Bacon Sandwich 67 250 20,383 560 Copper 48 Silver 675 Copper 2 Jellied Eels 69 265 19,537 564 Copper 95 Silver 136 Copper 4 Omelette 38 281 43,200 336 Copper 109 Silver 136 Copper 6 Sausage and Mash 118 298 26,550 884 Copper -24 Silver 750 Copper 8 Vegetable Stew 80 315 30,995 492 Copper 82 Silver 136 Copper 10 Jellied Eels 87 334 20,996 672 Copper -106 Silver 669 Copper 12 Bacon Sandwich 95 354 29,739 776 Copper 80 Silver 138 Copper 14 Chicken and Leek Pie 102 375 25,324 Silver 180 Copper -11 Silver 172 Copper 16 Gurnard Soup 56 397 18,189 859 Copper 131 Silver 545 Copper 18 Sausage and Mash 167 421 37,380 Silver 330 Copper -120 Silver 869 Copper 22 Jellied Eels 122 463 29,945 827 Copper 146 Silver 43 Copper 25 Vegetable Stew 129 491 49,979 791 Copper 132 Silver 115 Copper 30 Chicken and Leek Pie 148 541 37,389 Silver 550 Copper -93 Silver 472 Copper 32 Grilled Bass 78 562 40,114 719 Copper -309 Silver 597 Copper 38 Bacon Sandwich 175 630 55,182 Silver 240 Copper 145 Silver 49 Copper 43 Jellied Eels 179 694 43,936 Silver 140 Copper -66 Silver 272 Copper 45 Lobster Thermidor 287 721 38,267 Silver 220 Copper 76 Silver 534 Copper 50 Fried Ray Wings 106 794 949 Copper 56 Chicken and Leek Pie 253 891 Silver 220 Copper 61 Gurnard Soup 137 981 Silver 450 Copper 63 Vegetable Stew 268 1020 183,000 Silver 450 Copper 225 Silver 68 Omelette 200,200 Silver 230 Copper 74 Oysters with Lemon Juice Silver 950 Copper 76 Sausage and Mash Silver 620 Copper 81 Jellied Eels Silver 750 Copper 86 Chicken and Leek Pie Silver 930 Copper 89 Fried Ray Wings Silver 470 Copper 94 Bacon Sandwich Silver 250 Copper 99 Grilled Bass Silver 570 Copper 102 Cod and Chips Silver 740 Copper 107 Gurnard Soup Silver 250 Copper 112 Lobster Thermidor Silver 600 Copper 115 Fried Ray Wings Silver 890 Copper 120 Vegetable Stew Silver 460 Copper 125 Sausage and Mash Silver 730 Copper 131 Fish and Chips Silver 760 Copper 133 Oysters with Lemon Juice Silver 380 Copper 139 Jellied Eels Silver 630 Copper 144 Omelette Silver 290 Copper 147 Fried Ray Wings Silver 370 Copper 152 Grilled Bass Silver 350 Copper 157 Sausage and Mash Silver 720 Copper 160 Gurnard Soup Silver 990 Copper 379 File:Puffer Sashimi.png Puffer Sashimi Copper

Passive Activities

Level Item Category Sell Value Total Ingredient Cost Profit XP Album XP Ingredients XP/Hour Profit/Hour 20 Dab Stew 5 Unknown 720 Silver 200 Copper -18 Silver 720 Copper 27 Mackibut on Toast 10 510 1800 Silver -7 Silver 920 Copper 35 Garlic Herring 6 595 2160 Silver 200 Copper -29 Silver 520 Copper 40 Sturlet 12 655 2160 Silver 600 Copper -4 Silver 860 Copper 48 Baked Bream 14 764 2520 Silver 200 Copper -6 Silver 660 Copper

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.