Suave Tree (rugged)

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Coarse • Rugged • Average • Fine • Sturdy • Perfect

Rugged Suave Tree is a type of Suave Tree located in Hopeforest. It can be felled with a Hand Saw, yielding a Rugged Suave Log. Its branches may also be passively lopped using Tree Loppers, costing 20 knowledge points, and yielding Rugged Suave Branches.

Suave Trees take 3.5 seconds to fell with a saw, and have a 45 second respawn timer.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Woodcutter info[edit | edit source]

Rugged Suave Log
Level required58 Woodcutter
Woodcutter XP285 xp
Album XP 926 xp
Duration3.5 seconds
Knowledge1 %
Respawn time45 seconds
Required equipmentHand Saw

Rugged Suave Branches
Level required104 Woodcutter
Woodcutter XP 40 xp (7,200 per hour)
Album XP 2,245 xp
Duration20 seconds
Required equipmentTree Loppers
Required containerBasket

Logs[edit | edit source]

Branches[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.