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Shops are NPC run businesses that buy and sell certain items.
Shop list[edit | edit source]
Hopeport[edit | edit source]
Shop | Location | Shop owner | Owner description |
Cape Shop | The Cloakroom | Daguer | He sells all manner of cloaks and capes. |
Fallen Monument Progress | Fallen Monument | Parnell | Historian who helps the player restore the monument in the wasteland. |
Fishing Supplies | Melv's Fishing Supplies | Melv | The proprietor of Melv's Fishing Supplies. |
Head Chef (shop) | The Delectable Dab Kitchen | Head Chef | She's in charge of the Delectable Dab kitchen. |
Kevin's Ingredients | Stone Street | Kevin | He has spotted an opportunity to sell ingredients to the nearby kitchen. |
Potion Reagents | Town Square | Zeltay Tramagan | He buys and sells potion reagents of all flavors. |
Quartermaster Shop | Quartermaster (room) | Quartermaster (NPC) | The man in charge of the Hopeport armory. |
Scrap Merchant (shop) | Scrapyard | Scrap Merchant | She'll buy any spare bits of metal you might have. |
The Apothecary Shop | Apothecary | Ebsworth | A potions expert. |
The Forager's Warehouse (shop) | The Forager's Warehouse | Ella | You gather that she knows about gathering stuff. |
The Frequently Fresh Fish Stall | Eel Street | Fishmonger | He faintly smells of fish. |
The Seaside Rock Shop | Sea Road | Rockford | "Get your rock here! Take home a piece of Hopeport today." |
Hopeforest[edit | edit source]
Shop | Location | Shop owner | Owner description |
Gwen's Lumber (shop) | Gwen's Lumber | Gwen | She seems like a good person to buy logs and branches from. |
Morauce's Pointy Implements | Timberwell Green | Morauce the Hatchet Man | He provides tools for lumberjacks. |
Timber Merchant Shop | Carpenter's Workshop | Timber Merchant | He likes things much more once they've been sawn up. |
Timberwell Supplies (shop) | Timberwell Supplies | Vencent the Shopkeeper | He doesn't look like he's been sleeping well. |
Mine of Mantuban[edit | edit source]
Shop | Location | Shop owner | Owner description |
Bobble's Oresome Ores | Goblin Marketplace | Bobble | Bobble's stall has a fine collection of ore. |
Jangle's Bone Shop | Bridge Cavern | Jangle | You can hear bones clattering together whenever she moves. |
Mogorob's Stoneware Assortment | Goblin Marketplace | Mogorob | Mogorob deals in stone trinkets. |
Pans and Pickaxes | Goblin Marketplace | Spood | Spood sells mining equipment. |
Poffit's Interesting Rocks | Goblin Marketplace | Poffit | Poffit buys and sells stone. |
T & T's Explosives (shop) | T & T's Explosives | Therese Torrelli | She's an expert in making things go boom! |
Torrelli Jewelry Trading | Gnome Dwelling | Dina Torrelli | A jewelry trading gnome. |
Crenopolis[edit | edit source]
Shop | Location | Shop owner | Owner description |
Bert's Gallery (shop) | Bert's Gallery | Bert | He peers over his glasses at you disappointingly. |
Bogg's Antiques (shop) | Bogg's Antiques | Bogg | The proprietor of this fine antiques store. |
Butchers Stall | Lord's Road West | Bill the Butcher | Did he butcher his own face at some point? |
Cabbage Stall | Greengrocers | Ignatius | A vendor of the most magnificent vegetables. |
Candice's Candles | Bobbin Road South | Candice | Candice can be very canny when it comes to candles. |
Cheese Shop | Unicorn Farm | Ralph Cyclops | He sells a good selection of cheese, made right here at unicorn farm. |
Chef (shop) | Goose Inn Kitchen | Anron the Chef | She's in charge of this kitchen. |
Clock Stall | Lani's Curiosities | Lani | She seems to be enjoying her job. |
Detective Depot | Guardhouse Lobby | Desk Sergeant | This member of the Crenopolis guard has ended up with a desk job. |
Fortunehold Farm (shop) | Fortunehold Farm | Aunt Freda | A farmer tending the farm shop. |
Francesca's Fruit Stall | Meggrit's Market | Francesca | Francesca hopes her fresh fruit stall can one day become a franchise. |
Greengrocers (shop) | Greengrocers | Acherick the Greengrocer | Selling the finest fruit and veg. |
Hallig's Street Food | Thadwick Square | Hallig | The greasy looking owner of Hallig's Street Foods. |
Henderson's Meat | Henderson's Meat Storehouse | Henderson | The most skilled butcher in the whole of Freyeland. |
Hermar's Homeware | Cobble Corner | Hermar | Hermar sells homeware sourced from... somewhere. |
Hide Stall | Waterfront | Franz | As hairy as the animal hides he sells. |
Janessa's Delicacies | Merchants' Guild | Janessa Morage | One of the leaders of the Merchants' guild. |
Jennaler's Wines | Waterfront Market | Jennaler | A purveyor of the finest wines. |
Leather Goods | Lord's Road New | Dintch | He wants more pet leashes. |
Leather Stall | Outer Market | Bocca | She's as tough as the leather she sells. |
Monocle Market | Peacock Road North | Morley | What happened to his eye? |
Olive Stall | Peacock Road North | Marina | She's grown the olives and now she's selling them. |
Pearl Stall | Peacock Road South | Pearl | Pearl. She sells pearls. |
Penny's Clockwork | Lord's Road East | Penny Palmer | Not sure what to buy? Then get a clockwork toy! |
Snilch's Watches | Meggrit's Market | Begram Snilch | He's trying not to look shifty, but he's failing. |
Soap Stall | Soap Shop | Bubbles MacLeish | |
Souvenir Stall | Outer Market | Onjuan Nairal | The owner of Nairal's Novelties and Souvenirs. |
Spice Stall | Hopton Corner | Redeeki Val | A masked spice merchant. |
Textiles Stall | Waterfront Market | Quinnis | Not entirely paying attention to their own stall. |
Tommy Shoes' Wines | Peacock Road Central | Tommy Shoes | A wine seller wearing elaborate pointy shoes. |
Toy Stall | Tanners Road | Tonya the Tinkerer | Today Tonya the Tinkerer is tending to her toy stall. |
Vase Stall | Lord's Road Central | Cid | A dapper vase salesman. |
Victor T Cyclops (shop) | Cyclops Store Cave | Victor T Cyclops | Always got his eye on the best deals. |