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Shops are NPC run businesses that buy and sell certain items.

Shop list[edit | edit source]

Hopeport[edit | edit source]

ShopLocationShop ownerOwner description
Cape ShopThe CloakroomDaguerHe sells all manner of cloaks and capes.
Fallen Monument ProgressFallen MonumentParnellHistorian who helps the player restore the monument in the wasteland.
Fishing SuppliesMelv's Fishing SuppliesMelvThe proprietor of Melv's Fishing Supplies.
Head Chef (shop)The Delectable Dab KitchenHead ChefShe's in charge of the Delectable Dab kitchen.
Kevin's IngredientsStone StreetKevinHe has spotted an opportunity to sell ingredients to the nearby kitchen.
Potion ReagentsTown SquareZeltay TramaganHe buys and sells potion reagents of all flavors.
Quartermaster ShopQuartermaster (room)Quartermaster (NPC)The man in charge of the Hopeport armory.
Scrap Merchant (shop)ScrapyardScrap MerchantShe'll buy any spare bits of metal you might have.
The Apothecary ShopApothecaryEbsworthA potions expert.
The Forager's Warehouse (shop)The Forager's WarehouseEllaYou gather that she knows about gathering stuff.
The Frequently Fresh Fish StallEel StreetFishmongerHe faintly smells of fish.
The Seaside Rock ShopSea RoadRockford"Get your rock here! Take home a piece of Hopeport today."

Hopeforest[edit | edit source]

ShopLocationShop ownerOwner description
Gwen's Lumber (shop)Gwen's LumberGwenShe seems like a good person to buy logs and branches from.
Morauce's Pointy ImplementsTimberwell GreenMorauce the Hatchet ManHe provides tools for lumberjacks.
Timber Merchant ShopCarpenter's WorkshopTimber MerchantHe likes things much more once they've been sawn up.
Timberwell Supplies (shop)Timberwell SuppliesVencent the ShopkeeperHe doesn't look like he's been sleeping well.

Mine of Mantuban[edit | edit source]

ShopLocationShop ownerOwner description
Bobble's Oresome OresGoblin MarketplaceBobbleBobble's stall has a fine collection of ore.
Jangle's Bone ShopBridge CavernJangleYou can hear bones clattering together whenever she moves.
Mogorob's Stoneware AssortmentGoblin MarketplaceMogorobMogorob deals in stone trinkets.
Pans and PickaxesGoblin MarketplaceSpoodSpood sells mining equipment.
Poffit's Interesting RocksGoblin MarketplacePoffitPoffit buys and sells stone.
T & T's Explosives (shop)T & T's ExplosivesTherese TorrelliShe's an expert in making things go boom!
Torrelli Jewelry TradingGnome DwellingDina TorrelliA jewelry trading gnome.

Crenopolis[edit | edit source]

ShopLocationShop ownerOwner description
Bert's Gallery (shop)Bert's GalleryBertHe peers over his glasses at you disappointingly.
Bogg's Antiques (shop)Bogg's AntiquesBoggThe proprietor of this fine antiques store.
Butchers StallLord's Road WestBill the ButcherDid he butcher his own face at some point?
Cabbage StallGreengrocersIgnatiusA vendor of the most magnificent vegetables.
Candice's CandlesBobbin Road SouthCandiceCandice can be very canny when it comes to candles.
Cheese ShopUnicorn FarmRalph CyclopsHe sells a good selection of cheese, made right here at unicorn farm.
Chef (shop)Goose Inn KitchenAnron the ChefShe's in charge of this kitchen.
Clock StallLani's CuriositiesLaniShe seems to be enjoying her job.
Detective DepotGuardhouse LobbyDesk SergeantThis member of the Crenopolis guard has ended up with a desk job.
Fortunehold Farm (shop)Fortunehold FarmAunt FredaA farmer tending the farm shop.
Francesca's Fruit StallMeggrit's MarketFrancescaFrancesca hopes her fresh fruit stall can one day become a franchise.
Greengrocers (shop)GreengrocersAcherick the GreengrocerSelling the finest fruit and veg.
Hallig's Street FoodThadwick SquareHalligThe greasy looking owner of Hallig's Street Foods.
Henderson's MeatHenderson's Meat StorehouseHendersonThe most skilled butcher in the whole of Freyeland.
Hermar's HomewareCobble CornerHermarHermar sells homeware sourced from... somewhere.
Hide StallWaterfrontFranzAs hairy as the animal hides he sells.
Janessa's DelicaciesMerchants' GuildJanessa MorageOne of the leaders of the Merchants' guild.
Jennaler's WinesWaterfront MarketJennalerA purveyor of the finest wines.
Leather GoodsLord's Road NewDintchHe wants more pet leashes.
Leather StallOuter MarketBoccaShe's as tough as the leather she sells.
Monocle MarketPeacock Road NorthMorleyWhat happened to his eye?
Olive StallPeacock Road NorthMarinaShe's grown the olives and now she's selling them.
Pearl StallPeacock Road SouthPearlPearl. She sells pearls.
Penny's ClockworkLord's Road EastPenny PalmerNot sure what to buy? Then get a clockwork toy!
Snilch's WatchesMeggrit's MarketBegram SnilchHe's trying not to look shifty, but he's failing.
Soap StallSoap ShopBubbles MacLeish
Souvenir StallOuter MarketOnjuan NairalThe owner of Nairal's Novelties and Souvenirs.
Spice StallHopton CornerRedeeki ValA masked spice merchant.
Textiles StallWaterfront MarketQuinnisNot entirely paying attention to their own stall.
Tommy Shoes' WinesPeacock Road CentralTommy ShoesA wine seller wearing elaborate pointy shoes.
Toy StallTanners RoadTonya the TinkererToday Tonya the Tinkerer is tending to her toy stall.
Vase StallLord's Road CentralCidA dapper vase salesman.
Victor T Cyclops (shop)Cyclops Store CaveVictor T CyclopsAlways got his eye on the best deals.