Fallen Monument

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The Fallen Monument is a location in Hopeport. It connects to the Crater in the north and the Jellyfish Landing in the south. Carnivorous Plants can be found throughout the area.

The Monument[edit | edit source]

The main feature of this area is the fallen monument itself, where the player can sell pieces of the monument, gathered using the Forager skill, to Parnell the historian. Once all pieces of a given variant are sold to Parnell, the monument is restored in that area. It is currently unknown what the purpose of the monument is once fully completed, as a forager level of 490 is required for the final tier of monument pieces. See the Parnell page for a more comprehensive breakdown of the monument pieces required to complete the monument.

Features[edit | edit source]






Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.

References[edit | edit source]