Fallen Monument Progress

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Revision as of 00:00, 23 December 2024 by Alsang (talk | contribs) (table of sell limits)
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Fallen Monument Progress is a shop at the Fallen Monument ran by Parnell. Monument Pieces may be sold to the shop for a higher price than at The Seaside Rock Shop, however only a limited quantity of each piece can be sold.

Selling the limit of each piece to the shop unlocks progress toward repairing the the Monument.


Item Buy price Sell price
Huge Monument PieceN/A306Copper
Hefty Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Substantial Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Chunky Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Large Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Big Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Medium Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Average Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Fair Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Middling Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Small Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Weeny Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Teeny Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Minute Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)
Miniscule Monument PieceN/AUnknown (edit)

Sell limits

Stage # Name lvl req Capacity
1 Huge pieces 14 48
2 Hefty pieces 23 312
3 Substantial pieces 53 312
4 Chunky pieces 71 312
5 Large pieces 107 312
6 Big pieces 119 312
7 Medium pieces 155 312
8 Average pieces 173 312
9 Fair pieces 228 3912
10 Middling pieces 265 3912
11 Small pieces 377 3912
12 Weeny pieces 415 3912
13 Teeny pieces 452 3912
14 Minute pieces 471 3912
15 Miniscule pieces 490 3912

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.