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The card interface opens when selecting the "Info" action on an item, monster, non-player character, player character, scenery object, or spell.

Information displayed[edit | edit source]

In all cases, the entity's name and picture are shown.

Additionally, for items, monsters, non-player characters, scenery objects, and spells a short description is shown. For items that can be sold to a shop the the coins received when selling the item and where the item may be sold is shown. For non-player characters running a shop, the shop is shown. For items compatible with a bank, the bank is shown. Equipable items show their combat stats, and items and monsters with a skill requirement to use show the skill requirement. Items, non-player characters, monsters, and spells bound to an episode have the graphics corresponding to the episode in the bottom of their card.

Cards for monsters display their health and XP for defeating the monster, what damage type the monster attacks with, and any vulnerabilities and immunities the monster might have. Cards for player characters display their faction, total level, guard level, and quality of their equipment.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.