Transcript of The Obelisk

Revision as of 16:42, 12 December 2024 by BlackHawk (talk | contribs)
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Talking to Commander Hackett Edit

  • Commander Hackett: Good day, recruit.
  • Choose option
    • Good day sir.
      • Player: Good day sir.
      • (Shows the previous options.)
    • No, it's not. There's goblins everywhere.
      • Player: No, it's not. There's goblins everywhere.
      • Commander Hackett: Are you trying to be smart with me? Also you'll address me as 'sir'. I'll be mentioning this to your training officer.
      • (Shows the previous options.)
    • I just remembered I need to be somewhere else.
      • Player: I just remembered I need to be somewhere else.
    • Corporal Binns said you needed a hand over here.
      • Player: Corporal Binns said you needed a hand over here.
      • Commander Hackett: He's not wrong. Constant goblin incursions are wearing down our men and equipment.
      • Commander Hackett: I'll give you a new sword to help fight. We've just received this new shipment.
      • Commander Hackett: The key arrived separately for security reasons. I've got a man fetching it now.
      • Screen fades out and back in.
      • Andrath: Commander, here's the key.
      • Goblin thief: Yoink!
      • Andrath: You little blighter.
      • Commander Hackett: Quick! Catch that goblin!
      • Screen fades out and back in.

Retrieving the key Edit

Killing the goblin thief Edit

  • You retrieve Commander Hackett's crate key.

Talking to Commander Hackett Edit

  • Commander Hackett: Get that key back. The goblin thief ran south from here.
  • (Without the crate key:)
    • Player: There's a whole bunch of goblins down that way.
    • Commander Hackett: You'll have to find the right one then.
  • (With the crate key:)
    • Player: I have it here.
    • Commander Hackett: Hand it over then.

Using crate key on Commander Hackett Edit

  • The player give the key to Commander Hackett. The commander opens the chest.
  • Commander Hackett: Wait. These swords haven't been tuned yet.
  • Player: Tuned? What does that mean?
  • Commander Hackett: Have you seen the big obelisk near Brannof Boulvard yet?
  • (If you have not discovered the obelisk:)
    • Player: No, I've not been that way.
    • (Continues below.)
  • (If you have discovered the obelisk:)
    • Player: I did happen across that earlier, yes.
    • (Continues below.)
  • Commander Hackett: Much of the armor and weaponry, in the world of Andothria, has been tuned at magic obelisks to be powerful within the vicinity of those obelisks.
  • Commander Hackett: Thus any armor or weapon which hasn't been tuned to the local obelisk is comparatively very weak.
  • Commander Hackett: These swords need to be tuned to be strong in Hopeport.
  • (Without one backpack space:)
    • You don't have enough backpack space to take a sword.
  • (With one backpack space:)
    • Player receives Wall Guard's Sword.
    • You don't have enough backpack space to take both swords.
  • (With two backpack spaces:)
    • Player receives 2 Wall Guard's Swords.
    • Commander Hackett: Take them to the obelisk.

Talking to Commander Hackett after only getting one sword Edit

  • Player receives Wall Guard's Sword.
  • You receive a sword.

Hopeport obelisk Edit

Using wall guard's sword on Commander Hackett Edit

  • Commander Hackett: Yeah you need to go and tune that at the Hopeport obelisk off Brannof Boulevard.

Talking to Corporal Merissina or use item on obelisk Edit

  • (Talking to Corporal Merissina:)
    • Corporal Merissina: This obelisk is proving difficult to fix.
    • (Continues below.)
  • (Using item on obelisk:)
    • Corporal Merissina: That's not gonna work at the moment. This thing's bust.
    • (Continues below.)
  • Choose option
    • I need to use the obelisk for Commander Hackett.
      • Player: I need to use the obelisk for Commander Hackett.
      • Corporal Merissina: Gonna be kinda hard when it's broke.
      • (Shows the previous options.)
    • Could I help fix it?
      • Player: Could I help fix it?
      • Corporal Merissina: I could do with some help thanks. This obelisk got highly damaged during the goblin attack.
      • Corporal Merissina: Notice the downspike is missing there? The goblins probably knocked it off, but who knows where it is now.
      • Channette: We're by a fast flowing river, so we have a good guess where it went.
      • Player: Somewhere downstream? I'll see what I can do.
    • Oh never mind then.
      • Player: Oh never mind then.

Finding the missing spike Edit

Talking to Channette Edit

  • Player: Where do you think the missing spike went?
  • Channette: It was probably washed downstream. The river passes through various parts of town, so hopefully the spike has washed up somewhere.
  • Player: What if it hasn't.
  • Channette: Then it might be washed out to sea, and we're in a right old mess.

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Player: What was I meant to be doing again?
  • Corporal Merissina: You were going to look for the missing spike. It's probably washed down the river.
  • Corporal Merissina: The river winds through quite a lot of Hopeport, so there's a few places to look.

Using item on obelisk Edit

  • The obelisk is still broken.

Talking to Commander Hackett Edit

  • Commander Hackett: You need to tune those swords at the Hopeport Obelisk.
  • Player: I can't at the moment. The obelisk is broken.
  • Commander Hackett: Oh dear. That's going to be a big problem if we don't get it sorted.
  • Player: I'm assisting Corporal Merissina in getting it fixed.
  • Commander Hackett: Good, I like your initiative.

Fixing the obelisk Edit

Talking to Channette or Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Player: I found that missing spike.
  • [Channette/Corporal Merissina]: Great. Trying fixing it back on.

Using missing obelisk spike on obelisk Edit

  • Screen fades out and back in. The player climbs up the ladder and tries to fix the obelisk.
  • Player: This doesn't seem to fit.
  • Corporal Merissina: Let me have a go.
  • Screen fades out and back in. Corporal Merissina tries to fix the obelisk.
  • Corporal Merissina: Yeah you're right, it doesn't fit.
  • Corporal Merissina: I think that these plumes of ice magic might be holding the other spikes on.
  • Screen fades out and back in.
  • Corporal Merissina: I'm a bit stumped at the moment. But Captain Degreene did give me this tablet which shows how to fix it.
  • Corporal Merissina: Take a look. I can't make head nor tail of it.
  • Corporal Merissina give the player the tablet. Screen fades out and back in.

Reading the tablet Edit

using instruction tablet on ancient post Edit

  • The instructions tablet seems to be made of the same stone as the post. It doesn't fit in the indentation though.

Using missing obelisk spike on obelisk Edit

  • It's unlikely that will suddenly work now.

Read instuction tablet Edit

Only on the first time Edit

  • A picture of the tablet is shown.
  • It has some sigils you don't understand on it. What does Merissina expect me to do with this?

Afterwards Edit

  • A picture of the tablet is shown.
  • It has some sigils you don't understand on it.

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

Before reading the instruction tablet Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: What do you make of that tablet?
  • Player: I haven't read it yet.

After reading the instruction tablet Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: What do you make of that tablet?
  • Player: It makes no sense to me. I don't recognize those symbols on it at all.
  • Channette: Maybe Naybeth will know.
  • Corporal Merissina: That's a good idea. Naybeth is an old philosopher. She's very much into ancient cultures and the like.
  • Corporal Merissina: She lives near the town gates. Take it to her and see if she can help.

Seeing Naybeth Edit

Talking to Channette Edit

  • Player: Where did you say Naybeth lived?
  • Channette: Her cottage is right near the town gates.

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Have you figured out anything about that tablet?
  • Player: No, though I haven't spoken to Naybeth about it yet.
  • Corporal Merissina: Oh right, well her house is near the town gates.

Talking to Naybeth the Philosopher Edit

Only on the first time Edit

  • Naybeth the Philosopher: Hello. I assume you're a figment of my imagination. Can I help you?
  • Choose option
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Goodbye.
    • I'm told you might be able to help me interpret this tablet.
      • Player: I'm told you might be able to help me interpret this tablet. It's Meant to be some instructions for repairing the Hopeport obelisk.
      • The player give Naybeth the tablet.
      • Naybeth the Philosopher: Ooh, this is interesting. This looks to be ancient Cren. In fact I have some stones with these exact symbols. I rescued them one time when Captain Degreeene was having a clear out.
      • Naybeth gives the player four sigil tiles.
      • Naybeth the Philosopher: Here you go. Maybe they'll be of some use for fixing the obelisk.
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Why do you think I'm a figment of your imagination?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) I'm just browsing.

Afterwards Edit

  • Naybeth the Philosopher: Hello. I assume you're a figment of my imagination. Can I help you?
  • Choose option
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Goodbye.
    • So, what are these stones you gave me?
      • Player: So, what are these stones you gave me?
      • Naybeth the Philosopher: They're ancient Cren symbols. They match the symbols on your obelisk tablet, so maybe they can help you fix the obelisk.
    • Who are the Ancient Cren?
      • Player: Who are the Ancient Cren?
      • Naybeth the Philosopher: They are an ancient civilization that used to rule over much of the island of Freyeland, including Hopeport.
      • Naybeth the Philosopher: Roughly 400 years ago, we rose up in a bloody revolution and drove them from the island.
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Why do you think I'm a figment of your imagination?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) I'm just browsing.

Placing the tiles Edit

Talking to Channette Edit

  • Choose option
    • Do you know what these tiles are for?
      • Player: Do you know what these tiles are for?
      • Channette: No. Did Naybeth give them to you?
      • Player: Yes. She said they might help fix the obelisk somehow.
      • Channette: I guess try experimenting in this area with them and see what you can come up with.
    • (Non-quest dialogue) You look bored.
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Who are you?

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Have you figured out anything about that tablet?
  • Player: Naybeth gave me these tiles which match the symbols on the tablet. I haven't figured out what to do with them yet.

Using sigil tiles on obelisk Edit

  • This doesn't seem to be the way to use these tiles.

Using item on occupied ancient post Edit

  • There is already something on this post.

Filling the ancient posts incorrectly Edit

  • You've filled all the posts with tiles, but nothing seems to happen in this configuration. Maybe there is some clue how to arrange them.

Filling the ancient posts correctly Edit

  • Screen fades out and back in. A Cryoknight appears at the obelisk.
  • Corporal Merissina: Wow an actaul Cryoknight!
  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: So ... I have been summoned somewhere. That doesn't normally happen. It must be a dire emergency for me to have been called forth thusly.
  • Screen fades out and back in.

Cryoknight failing to fix the obelisk Edit

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Wow can you believe it? An actual Cryoknight.

Talking to Wellambran the Cryoknight Edit

Only on the first time Edit

  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Why have I been summoned? What dire emergency have I been brought forth to deal with?
  • Choose option
    • This obelisk is broken.
      • Player: This obelisk is broken.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Wait I've been summoned for mere tech support?
      • Player: Um, I guess.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
      • Player: I think the problem might be this broken spike. It won't join back on.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Aha. I see what's happened. The cryojet isn't working. That's a simple fix.
      • Wellambran tries to fix the obelisk.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: What the ... ? Why isn't my magic working?
      • Choose option
        • Have you tried turning it off and on again?
          • Player: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
          • Wellambran the Cryoknight: What? Don't be silly. My magic doesn't have an off switch.
          • (Shows the previous options.)
        • Maybe our magic supressor is blocking you.
          • Player: Maybe our magic supressor is blocking you.
          • Wellambran the Cryoknight: A magic supressor? Neat, I've not seen one of them in a while. That would explain it certainly. I'll need to be unblocked if I'm to fix your obelisk.
          • Player: I'll go and talk to Anjay.
        • Beats me.
          • Player: Beats me.
    • I don't know why you're here.
      • Player: I don't know why you're here.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: I will wait and see if the one who has summoned me reveals themselves.

Aftewards Edit

  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: I don't understand why my magic isn't working.
  • Choose option
    • Have you tried turning it off and on again?
      • Player: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: What? Don't be silly. My magic doesn't have an off switch.
      • (Shows the previous options.)
    • Maybe our magic supressor is blocking you.
      • Player: Maybe our magic supressor is blocking you.
      • Wellambran the Cryoknight: A magic supressor? Neat, I've not seen one of them in a while. That would explain it certainly. I'll need to be unblocked if I'm to fix your obelisk.
      • Player: I'll go and talk to Anjay.
    • Beats me.
      • Player: Beats me.

Requesting Anjay's help Edit

Talking to Wellambran the Cryoknight Edit

  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: I can't fix the obelisk while my magic isn't working. You were going to find that magic supressor.

Talking to Anjay Sandorman Edit

  • Anjay Sandorman: I sense that you wish to talk to me.
  • Choose option
    • (Non-quest dialogue) What is it that you do?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) Is that because I opened my mouth in order to talk?
    • (Non-quest dialogue) I sense this conversation is going nowhere.
    • We need you to grant magic access to a Cryoknight.
      • Player: We need you to grant magic access to a Cryoknight.
      • Anjay Sandorman: A Cryoknight? Really? No one has seen a Cryoknight in years. I didn't even know if they still existed.
      • Player: There's one trying to help us fix the Hopeport obelisk at the moment.
      • Anjay Sandorman: Okay. This I have to see. I'll see you there.
      • Anjay runs to the Hopeport obelisk.
    • (Non-quest dialogue) You sense wrong. I'm speaking to you by accident.

Talking to Anjay or Willambran Edit

  • Anjay Sandorman: Wow, you were right Player. An actual Cryoknight!
  • The Cryoknight turns towards Anjay.
  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: You're an actual magic supressor sir. That's pretty unusual too.
  • Player: This is all very nice, but are we going to get on with fixing this obelisk?
  • Channette: We don't know this person. They just appeared. Are we sure it's safe to just grant magic access?
  • Anjay Sandorman: It'll be fine. Cryoknights are famously honorable.
  • Anjay places his hand on Willambran, granting him access to magic.
  • Anjay Sandorman: Your aura is strong... and somehow familiar.
  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Familiar?
  • Anjay Sandorman: Hard to explain. Anyway you are free to do magic in Hopeport.
  • Willambran fixes the obelisk.
  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: That should do the trick. Try the spike now.

Fixing the obelisk Edit

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Maybe that spike will fit now.

Talking to Wellambran the Cryoknight Edit

  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: I've fixed the cryojet. Let's try adding the tuning spike.

Using missing obelisk spike on obelisk Edit

  • Screen fades out and back in. The player places the spike back on the obelisk. Screen fades out and back in.
  • Corporal Merissina: It's fixed! Player, you said you had some swords to tune. Let's see if it works.

Tuning the swords Edit

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: You had some swords to tune? Let's see if the obelisk works now.

Talking to Wellambran the Cryoknight Edit

  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: That spike looks good and secure. You should be able to tune weapons and armor on that obelisk now.

Talking to Commander Hackett Edit

  • Commander Hackett: You need to tune those swords at the Hopeport Obelisk.

Using Wall Guard's Sword on obelisk Edit

  • The player places the sword onto the obelisk. The obelisk tunes the sword.
  • Wellambran the Cryoknight: Well that all seems to be working. I'll be off now.
  • Anjay Sandorman: I guess the fun is over.
  • Wellambran teleports out and Anjay leaves the area.

Tuning the other sword Edit

Talking to Corporal Merissina Edit

Before tuning the second sword Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Seems the obelisk is functioning again. Did you have another sword you wanted to tune now?

After tuning the second sword Edit

  • Corporal Merissina: Now that the obelisk is functioning again, you can use it to tune any untuned weapons and armor that you find.

Talking to Commander Hackett Edit

Before tuning the second sword Edit

  • Commander Hackett: You need to tune those swords at the Hopeport Obelisk.
  • Player: I've tuned one.
  • Commander Hackett: That's half a job done. You should tune the other.

After tuning the second sword Edit

  • Player: I've tuned those swords. It was more of a hassle than you might expect because the obelisk was broken.
  • Commander Hackett: Brilliant. Well tell you what, if you've gone to all that trouble, I'll let you keep one of the swords.
  • The player hands over one of the swords to Commander Hackett.

Using sword on Commander Hackett Edit

Before tuning the second sword Edit

  • Player: I've tuned one of those swords.
  • Commander Hackett: That's half a job done. You should tune the other.

After tuning the second sword Edit

  • Player: I've tuned those swords. It was more of a hassle than you might expect because the obelisk was broken.
  • Commander Hackett: Brilliant. Well tell you what, if you've gone to all that trouble, I'll let you keep one of the swords.
  • The player hands over one of the swords to Commander Hackett.