Module:ProfessionList: Difference between revisions
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-- include the price of selling the product
item.sellPrice = search.getShopSellPrice(item.product)
item.profit = item.buyPrice and item.sellPrice and item.sellPrice - item.buyPrice
Revision as of 00:16, 19 December 2024
This module is a helper module to be used by other modules; it may not designed to be invoked directly. See Brighter Shores:Lua/Helper modules for a full list and more information. For a full list of modules using this helper click here
Function | Type | Use |
currency_cell(amount) | amount : number, or nil | Returns the HTML to create a table currency cell using module:currency._cell .If instead it is supplied with nil then a 10x1 cell is created with the text "unknown". |
unknown_value_cell(size) | size : integer | Returns the HTML to create a size x1 cell with the text "unknown".Use within :node() |
unknown_value_edit_cell(page,size) | page : string, name of pagesize : integer | Returns the HTML to create a size x1 cell with a link to edit the specified page.Use within :node() |
generate_recipe_table(queryString) | queryString : string, SMW queryscreenFunction : function, table > boolean | Generates a table of recipes and activities from a Semantic MediaWiki query string and a screening function.
Module:RecipeTreeSearch |
one_column_image_text(sort,materials) | sort : string, to sort the multicolumn cell bymaterials : table, each entry is a name/quantity pair for an item to display | Produces 1 cells with multiple lines of text in a standard format to display a list of materials for a recipe. Includes the quantity of each material. |
two_column_image_text(sort,image,text,link) | sort : string, to sort the multicolumn cell by
link : string, page to link the image and text to | Produces 2 cells in a standard format to display an image and some text, which link to the same page. For example: the image and name of a skill node, but linking to the item they make. |
three_column_image_text(sort,quantity,image,text,link) | sort : string, to sort the multicolumn cell by
link : string, page to link the image and text to | Produces 3 cells in a standard format to display a quantity, an image, and some text, which link to the same page. For example: the quantity, image, and name of a recipe product. |
local currency = require('Module:Currency')
local search = require('Module:RecipeTreeSearch')
local p = {}
-- this module provides functions that are commonly used among all of the modules to greate tables of profession activities
-- such as AlchemistList, DetectivePassiveList, BlacksmithSmeltingList, and so on
-- creates the html directly for a currency cell of a table
-- will always be 10 cells wide, for currency alignment
-- if not supplied with an amount, displays "unknown"
-- use within :node()
function p.currency_cell(amount)
if not amount then
return mw.html.create('td')
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
return currency._cell(amount, { html = 'yes' })
-- creates the html for an unknown value cell
-- use within :node()
function p.unknown_value_cell(N)
return mw.html.create('td')
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:attr{ colspan = tostring(N) }
-- creates the html for an unknown value cell, with a link to edit the page that has the unknown parameter
-- use within :node()
function p.unknown_value_edit_cell(page,N)
local url = tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(page,'action=edit'))
return mw.html.create('td')
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:attr{ colspan = tostring(N) }
:wikitext('['..url.." '''?''' (edit)]")
-- generates a table of recipes and activities from a Semantic MediaWiki query string
-- the queryString is just a selection of pages, from any combination of SMW properties and categories
-- for pages with multiple recipes or activities, will make on entry into the results table for each
-- screenFunction takes a decoded recipe/activity JSON and returns true if it is to be kept
function p.generate_recipe_table(queryString,screenFunction)
-- first formulate the query to get the list of pages
local query = {
'? #- = pageName',
'?Image #- = pageImage',
'?Activity JSON = activityJSON',
'?Recipe JSON = recipeJSON',
'limit = 500'
local pages = mw.smw.ask(query)
-- if no pages were found, skip the rest of this function
if pages == nil then
return nil
-- collate structure
local recipes = {}
-- iterate through pages found
for _, page in ipairs(pages) do
-- first iterate through activities
if page.activityJSON ~= nil then
if type(page.activityJSON)=='string' then
page.activityJSON = { page.activityJSON }
for _, JSON in ipairs(page.activityJSON) do
local item = mw.text.jsonDecode(JSON)
item.pageName = page.pageName
item.pageImage = page.pageImage
item.type = 'activity'
-- same iteration through recipes
if page.recipeJSON ~= nil then
if type(page.recipeJSON)=='string' then
page.recipeJSON = { page.recipeJSON }
for _, JSON in ipairs(page.recipeJSON) do
local item = mw.text.jsonDecode(JSON)
item.pageName = page.pageName
item.pageImage = page.pageImage
item.type = 'recipe'
-- if none of the pages had recipes of activities, skip the rest of this function
if recipes == nil or recipes[1] == nil then
return nil
-- output structure
local output = {}
-- screen using screenFunction
for _, item in ipairs(recipes) do
if screenFunction(item) then
-- if all of the results were screened, skip the rest of this function
if output == nil or output[1] == nil then
return nil
-- sort the output by the .level parameter
table.sort(output, function(item1, item2)
-- if one of the two has no leve
if (item1.level == nil) ~= (item2.level == nil) then
-- true if lvl2 is nil but not lvl1, false if lvl1 is nil but not lvl2
return item2.level == nil
if item1.level == nil then
-- if both are empty, treat as equivalent
return false
-- normal comparison
return item1.level < item2.level
-- perform a number of useful calculations on the data that are widely useful
-- like cost of materials, profit of products, recipe tree search
for _,item in ipairs(output) do
item.product = item.output[1].name or ''
-- perform the full recipe tree search on the product
local fullRecipe = search.main(item.product)
-- overwrite any parameters from the original recipe with their counterparts from the full recipe
-- when product is nil, no data is overwritten
for key,value in pairs(fullRecipe) do
item[key] = value
-- include the price of selling the product
item.sellPrice = search.getShopSellPrice(item.product)
item.profit = item.buyPrice and item.sellPrice and item.sellPrice - item.buyPrice
return output
function p.two_column_image_text(sort,image,text,link)
return mw.html.create('td')
:css{ ['border-right'] = '0', ['text-align'] = 'right', ['max-width'] = '100px' }
:attr{ ['data-sort-value'] = sort }
:wikitext(' [[' .. image .. '|link=' .. link .. '|30x30px]]')
:addClass('plinkt-link no-border')
:wikitext('[[' .. link .. '|' .. text ..']]')
function p.three_column_image_text(sort,quantity,image,text,link)
return mw.html.create('td')
:css{ ['border-right'] = '0', ['padding-right'] = '0', ['text-align'] = 'right' }
:attr{ ['data-sort-value'] = sort }
:wikitext(quantity .. ' ×')
:addClass('plinkt-image no-border')
:css{ ['border-left'] = '0', ['padding-left'] = '0' }
:wikitext('[[File:' .. image .. '.png|link=' .. link .. '|30px]]')
:addClass('plinkt-link no-border')
:wikitext('[[' .. link .. '|' .. text .. ']]')
return p