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Mawchest is a variant monster found in Crenopolis. They are immune to Tempestae damage and vulnerable to Cryonae damage.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Mawchests do not possess a ranged attack, and will alternate between two melee attacks:

  • An Impact punch, which will always be their first attack.
  • A Tempestae bite, which is the stronger of their two attacks.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Variants[edit | edit source]

MonsterUnlocked atCombat level
Warty Mawchest.png0 4
Orange Eyed Mawchest.png18 34
Spiny Mawchest.png79 98
Terrible White Mawchest.png143 160
Longfang Mawchest.png237 302

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.