Lowbranch Chestnut (skill node)

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Lowbranch Chestnut is a type of Skill node used to gather Lowbranch Chestnuts with the Gatherer profession. They can be found at the Central Junction and the Snakes Clearing. The Snakes Clearing has aggressive enemies, so either a Fear potion or the Immunity spell may be needed to avoid being interrupted.

Gathering a Lowbranch Chestnut takes 4 seconds, and the nodes have a 60 second respawn.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Location Episode Quantity
Central Junction Hopeforest 3
Snakes Clearing Hopeforest 3

Gatherer info[edit | edit source]

Lowbranch Chestnut
Level required156 Gatherer
Gatherer XP? (edit)
Album XP 6,110 xp
Duration4 seconds
Knowledge1.1 %
Respawn time60 seconds

Drops[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.