Iron Ingot

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Iron Ingot is a type of ingot, used by the Blacksmith profession to produce weapons for the Cryoknight faction. It is smelted from Iron Ore.

Variants[edit | edit source]

Laterite Iron Ingot.pngLaterite Iron Ingot0 0➨46
Limonite Iron Ingot.pngLimonite Iron Ingot37 37➨98
Goethite Iron Ingot.pngGoethite Iron Ingot88 88➨149
Hematite Iron Ingot.pngHematite Iron Ingot142 142➨212
Magnetite Iron Ingot.pngMagnetite Iron Ingot193 193➨374
Siderite Iron Ingot.pngSiderite Iron Ingot375 375➨500

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.