Honey Dippers Oak Kitchenware

Crafting Honey Dippers Oak Kitchenware is a passive activity for the Carpentry profession.

Crafting them requires a supply of Crates and Average Oak Branches. One inventory slot of a full set of Average Oak Branches will last for 1.11 hours of passive training.

Creation Edit

Facility Workbench
Passive Experience ? (edit)
Duration20 seconds
ProfessionLevelKPAlbum XP
Carpenter1440%4,850 xp
Raw IngredientQuantityCost
Average Oak Branches0.005128Copper
Total Raw cost128Copper
Honey Dippers Oak Kitchenware0.00567Copper

Shop locations Edit

Shop Episode Buy price Sell price
Timberwell Supplies (shop) Hopeforest N/A 13 Silver 400 Copper

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.