Detect Aura

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The Detect Aura spell is unlocked at level 46 Detective by talking to Gallabast the Ragged. All monsters share the same aura as the element they attack. All monsters attacking only with impact damage and skilling node animals have a neutralae aura.

Auras[edit | edit source]

What all the different auras mean.
Aura Name Description
White Lines Neutralae It's the most common aura. People with the neutral auras have barely any magical ability.
Purple Stars Mysticae People with Mysticae often have magical apitutde, but it's not a combat magic.
Blue Circles Receptacles They're a sort of magical blank slate. They have the latent capacity to absorb a huge amount of one magic type.
Green Leaves Arborae Associated with plants and nature.
Blue Snowflakes Cryonae An aura associated with ice, but also with paranoia.
Orange Flames Infernae Mostly associated with fire, though the dark corrupting magic called Vilzax could disguise itself by enshrouding itself in Infernae.
Black Skulls Necromae A nasty aura associated with death and decay.
Yellow Jagged Swirls Tempestae Electricity, storms and also stone.

Non-Player Characters by Aura[edit | edit source]

Aura NPC name Room Notes
Mysticae Cat Numerous
Ingrina Pelegrin Barracks
Sultar Malzak Training Ground
Anjay Sandorman Training Ground
Man in a Waistcoat Town Square
Enchantress Enchantress Shop
Kitchen Hand The Delectable Dab Kitchen
Neutralae Guard (NPC) Numerous
Lazy Recruit Barracks
Corporal Binns Training Ground
Robyn Nockright Training Ground
Captain Jal Degreene Captain Degreene's Office
Doctor Infirmary
Nurse Infirmary
Quartermaster (NPC) Quartermaster (room)
Kevin Stone Street
Civilian Numerous
Ebsworth Apothecary
Ebsworth's Assistant Apothecary
Waitress The Delectable Dab Restaurant
Waiter The Delectable Dab Restaurant
Child Numerous
Oswald Hadley The Delectable Dab Restaurant
Head Chef The Delectable Dab Kitchen
Zeltay Tramagan Town Square
Kristiana Carefree Town Square
Fisherman Numerous
Melv Melv's Fishing Supplies
Lord Brannof Brannof's Chamber
Cohen Brannof's Dining Room
Fishmonger Eel Street
Fisherwoman Numerous
Bartrum Stone Central Waterfront
Nelson The Hooked Hand
Harris Slant The Hooked Hand
Grood the Barkeeper The Hooked Hand
Wellington The Hooked Hand
Ship Hand The Hooked Hand
Shady Civilian Numerous
Big Sean The Hooked Hand
Captain Woolhead Salty Swine
Turner Round Boardwalk
Captain Shirker Vincible
Robyan Vincible
Ella The Forager's Warehouse
James Newtap Pipe Alley
Daguer The Cloakroom
Naybeth the Philosopher Naybeth's House
Commander Hackett Town Gates Atop the wall.
Lance Corporal Frost South Walls Atop the battlements.
Annie Twogloves Little Lucy
Scrap Merchant Scrapyard
Hayley Brannof Scrapyard
Rockford Sea Road
Sentry Drogentyne Rocky Road
Parnell Fallen Monument
Thief (boss) Thieves' Den
Sneaky Brian Thieves' Den
Rat Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Seagull Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Hairdresser Hairdresser
Hairdressers Assistant Hairdresser
Receptacles None
Necromae Guard (NPC) Barracks Specifically, one.
Infernae None
Arborae Delana Barracks
Cryonae Toblaine Barracks
Civilian The Delectable Dab Restaurant Specifically, one.
Tempestae Small Crab West Waterfront
Crab Vacant Pier

Sea Road

Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Sentry Drogentyna Rocky Road
Aura NPC name Room Notes
Mysticae Hamish Truefire Small Clearing

Pool of Rainbows

Neutralae Alannor Cliffside Path
Alden Tarana and Alden's Home
Barricade Guard Barricades
Broxoter Hopeforest Guard Shack
Butterfly Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card. Comes in blue, green, orange, red, purple and white.
Child Timberwell Green

Gwen's Lumber

Three in total.
Claude Logging Area
Crow Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Cyclops Guard Cyclops Path
Daynel Tarana and Alden's Home
Ferryman Hopeforest Ferry

Ferry South Shore

Fox Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Hanna Lumber Clearing
Hopping Bird Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Iridiana The Color Wheel
Kedwick Shalstanger Huntsman's Clearing
Marden Timberwell Green
Morauce the Hatchet Man Timberwell Green
Murphy Cutters Clearing
Potrick Tarana and Alden's Home
Rabbit Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Shoggy Dimblehead Treeway Clearing
Tarana Tarana and Alden's Home
Tenaj Hopeforest Guard Shack
Timber Merchant Carpenter's Workshop
Titan Spider Cliffside Path
Vencent the Shopkeeper Timberwell Supplies
Villager Timberwell Green

Timberwell Supplies

Two in total.
Yulo the Carpenter Carpenter's Workshop
Receptacles None
Necromae Dillie Cutters Clearing
Infernae Ox Mine Road West

Timberwell Green

Arborae Dryad Dryad Glade
Cryonae None
Tempestae None
Mines of Mantuban
Aura NPC name Room Notes
Mysticae Civilian Goblin Living Quarters One, specifically.
Dabble Goblin Workshop
Scobu The Vague Cave of the Future
Quinto Lost and Found
Neutralae Skallek Skallek's Dwelling


Changes location depending on quest progression.
Thaddeus Torrelli Gnome Dwelling
Dina Torrelli Gnome Dwelling
Gretel Torrelli Gnome Forge
Pops Goblin Well
Gamajig Goblin Well
Civilian Numerous
Petros Stonemasonry Room
Moccasins Sculpting Room
Spood Goblin Marketplace
Bobble Goblin Marketplace
Poffit Goblin Marketplace
Mogorob Goblin Marketplace
Gas Leech Leech Pools
Tarsus Boneworks
Jangle Bridge Cavern
Goblin Miner Cave of the Past Three in total.
Stubbin Cave of the Past
Mena Topple Cave of the Past
Larry the Lump North Mining Cavern
Podger Hughes Mine Back Entrance
Sammy Clod Northwest Mining Cavern
Molly Sly Mine Cart Cave
Dusty Dogsworth Abandoned Mining Cavern
Jack Grunger Dilapidated Mining Cavern
Petunia Honest Mine Entrance
Therese Torrelli T & T's Explosives
Tommaso Torrelli T & T's Explosives
Podsley Bronze Gate
Bug Skallek's Dwelling Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Mine Cart Numerous Treated as an NPC when being pushed by a player.
Rat Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Receptacles None
Necromae Rat Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Infernae Chuncrates Chuncrates Chamber
Arborae Small Blob Numerous Monster is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card. Comes in blue and green.
Cryonae Goblin Miner Sculpting Room
Tempestae Grachnid Grachnid Cave
Aura NPC name Room Notes
Mysticae Buff Unicorn Unicorn Farm Two in total.
Cat Numerous
Civilian Lord's Road East

Lord's Road West

One in each location, two in total.
Henderson Henderson's Meat Storehouse
Ignatius Greengrocers
Jack Wellis Leatherworks
Ralph Cyclops Unicorn Farm
Tonya the Tinkerer Tanners Road
Neutralae Acherick the Greengrocer Greengrocers
Anron the Chef Goose Inn Kitchen
Aunt Freda Fortunehold Farm
Baldwin Vranch Merchants' Guild
Begram Snilch Meggrit's Market
Bert Bert's Gallery
Bilger Fortunehold
Bill the Butcher Lord's Road West
Bladrick Bladrick's Armory
Bocca Outer Market
Bogg Bogg's Antiques
Bubbles MacLeish Soap Shop
Butterfly Fortunehold Meadow Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card. Comes in blue and orange.
Candice Bobbin Road South
Captain Hobvious Pier Two
Captain Waltain Waltain's Office
Channer Goldway Merchants' Guild
Chestney Four Winds Bar
Child Numerous
Cid Lord's Road Central
City Guard Numerous
Civilian Numerous
Constable Carver East Courtyard
Crenopolis Planning Officer Council Office
Crow Fortunehold Farm Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Customer Numerous
Cyclops Guard Cyclops East Pass
Desk Sergeant Guardhouse Lobby
Dintch Lord's Road New
Eric Inkwell Council Office
Fisherman Waterfront
Fletcher Forensics Lab
Francesca Meggrit's Market
Franz Waterfront
Garry Kaynat's Garden
Hamila Jimore Hamila Jimore's Hallway
Hermar Cobble Corner
Hopping Bird Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Hugh City Dyes
Inspector Fairhogg Guard's Archive
Kaynat's Doorman Kaynat's Garden
Kitchen Hand Goose Inn Kitchen Two in total.
Kitty the Tanner Tannery
Lani Lani's Curiosities
Lenny Gruff Goose Inn Bar
Marina Peacock Road North
Molly Chopalot Henderson's Meat Storehouse
Morley Peacock Road North
Onjuan Nairal Outer Market
Pearl Peacock Road South
Penny Palmer Lord's Road East
Porletta Fortunehold
Rachella Goose Inn Bar
Rat Numerous Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Redeeki Val Hopton Corner
Rom Harrington Merchants' Guild
Roric Fortunehold
Sergeant Fowler Guardhouse Lobby
Sergeant Scowler Investigation Hall
Servant Servant's House

Servant's Bathroom

Shady Civilian Numerous
Ship Hand Numerous
Tambor Stubbleman The Frog and Barnacle
Tommy Shoes Peacock Road Central
Varco Molo West Gate
Victor T Cyclops Cyclops Store Cave
Walter Cyclops Unicorn Farm
Receptacles Child Numerous
Necromae Olider Murray Ratmore Road
Infernae None
Arborae Civilian Pier One One, specifically.
Thomas Cyclops Fortunehold Meadow

Unicorn Farm

Cryonae Janessa Morage Merchants' Guild
Kaynat Wray Kaynat's Hall
Tempestae Crab Waterfront Market Animal is highlighted when using the Sense spell but does not have an info card.
Gallabast the Ragged Ratmore Rise

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.

References[edit | edit source]