Brambles are a type of tree, often serving as an obstacle, that can be chopped away with the Woodcutter profession. Starting at level 8 you can chop Hardy Brambles with a hatchet. Harvesting Brambles does not provide the player character an item.

Locations Edit

Types Edit

Level Type XP XP/H Respawn Time Gather Method
8 Hardy Brambles 60 43k 45s Hatchet
40 Overgrown Brambles 124 88.8k Hatchet
94 Dense Brambles Hatchet
152 Tough Brambles Hatchet
234 Vicious Brambles Hatchet
413 Razor Brambles Hatchet

Note: Achieving these xp rates requires cutting the Suave Tree, in addition to all the bramble spawns aswell as dropping the Suave Log.

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.