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A player smithing.

Blacksmith is a type of profession introduced within the Mine of Mantuban, which predominantly creates weaponry for the Cryoknight faction.


Blacksmith makes use of ores collected via the Miner profession by smelting and forging them within either the Goblin Workshop or Gnome Forge – the latter of which is powered by gas provided by gas leeches – that are located inside the mine, up to a maximum quantity of 6 of the same type of ingots, together with timber crafted by the Carpenter profession.

Once crafted at a workbench, each weapon is untuned and its item level is set to the level of the player character's Blacksmith profession by default, although the player may choose to change this level to be lower in anticipation of player-to-player trading. As the costs remain the same, and the item's value at the Quartermaster Shop increases based on its item level, it is generally advised to create the highest-level weaponry possible.

Weapon attack speed

There are three attack speed tiers for all weapon type categories, with Cryoknight weapons ranging from fastest to slowest as follows:

Attack speed tiers and Cryoknight weapon rankings
Tier Attack speed
(seconds per attack)
Melee Melee Ranged Ranged
Tier 1 1.5 Rapier
Throwing Rings
Metal Bow
Tier 2 1.875 Flanged Mace
Throwing Twinblades
Throwing Knives
Tier 3 2.25 Shortsword
Metal Javelins
Throwing Axes

Smelting ores

Active activities

Weapons are made at actively in the Goblin Workshop and Gnome Forge. Cost values for weapons assume that all stones are purchased from Bobble's Oresome Ores and all poles are purchased from the Timber Merchant Shop. The sell price of the weapons depends strongly on Blacksmith level and the rarity of the weapon, so has been omitted. The experience values include the step of smelting the ingots, and the hourly rates assumes that it takes 40 seconds to buy a full inventory of 24 items from either material shop, plus another 120 seconds per batch of 24 weapons made for moving between stations and selling weapons.

Your own XP and profit rates may vary if you collect your own materials through the Miner, Carpenter and Woodcutter professions.

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Passive activities

Blacksmith passive activities use the Jewelry Bench to turn Shinerium, Silver, Gold, or Purpladium into jewelry items that can be sold. Profit values for recipes assume that all materials are purchased from Bobble's Oresome Ores and all products are sold to the Torrelli Jewelry Trading Shop.

Your own XP and profit rates may vary if you collect your own materials or spend separate time buying and depositing them.

Passive activities give reduced experience when a players level is high enough to perform a new passive activity for that profession. The numbers shown here are the full experience.

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Capes of Accomplishment

The Blacksmith Cape is a piece of equipment unlocked by achieving various milestones through leveling the Blacksmith profession and can be purchased from Daguer at The Cloakroom located in Hopeport.

Level Cape Cost
50 504 Silver 0 Copper
100 1 Gold 290 Silver 0 Copper
200 3 Gold 160 Silver 0 Copper
500 9 Gold 360 Silver 0 Copper

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.
  • update 18 November 2024 (Update):
    • Fixed bug where B.R.E.W.S. vat, T.E.A. machine and smelter didn't give enough knowledge when crafting multiple items at once.
