Average Deathstone (skill node)

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Coarse • Rugged • Average • Fine • Sturdy • Perfect

Average Deathstone is a type of skill node used by the Miner profession.

They can be mined with Volatile Explosives to obtain Average Deathstone, which can be kept for use by the Stonemason profession or sold to Poffit's Interesting Rocks.

The process for blast mining is:

  • First, an explosive is placed.
  • The player has 6 seconds to get at least 3 squares away from the node before it detonates, during this time the player cannot place another explosive or leave the room.
  • When the explosive detonates the room will shake, interrupting the player for around 1.5 seconds.
  • If the player is within 2 squars of the node, they will be stunned for 5 seconds instead.
  • In total, the process takes 10 seconds to mine a node, after which it takes 60 seconds for the node to respawn.
  • Explosives are used at a rate of one per stone.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Miner info[edit | edit source]

Average Deathstone
Level required158 Miner
Miner XP2,200 xp
Album XP 6,350 xp
Duration10 seconds
Knowledge1.1 %
Respawn time60 seconds
Required inputVolatile Explosives

Drops[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.