Veined Globeplant

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Revision as of 02:29, 13 November 2024 by Goomplez (talk | contribs)
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Veined Globeplant is an item collected with the Gatherer profession.

Used to brew the 3 Minute Potion Fear variant of the Fear potion with the Alchemist profession.

Stored in the Potion Reagents Bank in the Apothecary in Hopeport.

Sold to Zeltay Tramagan at the Town Square in Hopeport for 150 copper.

Item sources

Bedside TableUnknown1Unknown
Old trunkUnknown1Unknown
Small ChestUnknown1Unknown
Veined Globeplant (skill node)0 Gatherer1Always


Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.