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|[[Fisher#Passive activities|Fisher]]
|[[Alchemist#Passive activities|Alchemist]]
|[[Detective#Passive trainingactivities|Detective]]
|[[Scout#Passive enemies|Scout]]
|[[Forager#Passive activities|Forager]]
|[[Carpenter#Passive Trainingactivities|Carpenter]]
|[[Merchant#Passive activities|Merchant]]
|[[Minefighter#Passive enemies|Minefighter]]
|[[Gatherer#Passive activities|Gatherer]]
|[[Chef#Passive Trainingactivities|Chef]]
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|[[Stonemason#Passive Trainingactivities|Stonemason]]
|[[Bonewright#Passive Trainingactivities|Bonewright]]

Revision as of 13:08, 7 December 2024

Passive activities are profession-related activities that are available after reaching level 20 in a profession. With passive activities players can continue to train automatically without interaction or while logged out of Brighter Shores. Activities eligible for passive training are marked with a blue crescent moon icon in a profession's unlock list, but first need to be unlocked with a Knowledge Point.

Passive activities give less experience and lesser materials or coins than active training and are capped to 24 hours of continuous offline time. However, logging in for a brief moment will reset the timer, allowing for another 24 hours of training time to be rewarded. It is also recommended to move onto the next available passive activity in a profession for more reliable experience per hour once it has been unlocked, as the prior passive activity would begin to reward halved experience at that level.

Non-combat passive activities that are linked to items complete a cycle every 20 seconds. For example, hickory branches gathered via passive Woodcutter, which can then be used by passive Carpenter training. Passive items stack to 200 uses per inventory slot and roughly one slot per hour will be produced or used. (0.9 stacks, as 4000s are required for a full stack, but an hour lasts 3600s). Passive reagent items can be placed in banks, and it is possible to use partially filled or used items.

For each profession, full experience is only given for the highest level passive activity that is available for each profession. Lower levelled passive activities will award half (52.5%) experience (rounded down, per action), which decreases to 25% and then to 12.5% the lower the passive activity. This incentivises doing some active training to get knowledge, so that the highest level passive activity can always be unlocked for each profession.

When logged out, all of the XP from a passive activity is awarded in one go when logging back in, so if you passively train a profession to increase your level to that of the next passive activity, you will not lose out on part of the experience from levelling up during the activity. Keep in mind that the player must be physically performing the activity prior to logging out, otherwise the activity will not be registered by the game.

Passive actions by profession type
Combat Gathering Crafting Social
Guard Fisher Alchemist Detective
Scout Forager Carpenter Merchant
Minefighter Gatherer Chef
Watchperson Miner Leatherworker
Woodcutter Blacksmith