Module:Break Isolation

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Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Break Isolation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Break Isolation is required by Module:Location Table.
Module:Break Isolation is required by Module:RecipeTreeSearch.

This module is a helper module to be used by other modules; it may not designed to be invoked directly. See Brighter Shores:Lua/Helper modules for a full list and more information. For a full list of modules using this helper click here

prevent_caching()()If you are doing anything impure with this module, call this function so fragments like template substitutions or module invocations are not cached by the parser.
get_module_store(name)(string)Given a name of a module, return an object. The object that is returned will be the same object when the same name is given, even across different {{#invoke}}s
cache_functions(string)Given the name of a module, returns a "cache" decorator that, given a name and a function, will return a function that will memoise the results of that function. This cache will persist across different invocations.

Only use this with pure functions where the arguments are strings, integers, nil or boolean only. Supports any number of arguments, but note that `f(1)` and `f(1, nil)` will have different cache values (extra arguments are *not* ignored)

Supports any results, but note that if the result is cached, it will be calling the function from the first invocation context where it is cached. Will return a clone of the cached result every time to prevent modification (so do not rely on metatables or other tables having the same identity)

This can be used similarly to mw.ext.VariablesLua.vardefine/var but allows any Lua object or function (not just strings).

Since this is essentially a global object, all caveats and warnings about global variables apply.

This object will be the same throughout each page even in seperate #invokes
(Scribunto tries very hard to isolate Lua interpreters, with a seperate _G
and cloning every builtin package so each session gets a fresh copy,
but mw.uri has a local variable that it sets the metatable to that isn't cloned
because it's not a property of the package)
local persistant = getmetatable(
local store
	local key = '__store#Module:Break Isolation'
	store = rawget(persistant, key)
	if not store then
		store = {
			by_module = {},
			function_cache = {},
			nil_marker = {},
		rawset(persistant, key, store)

local p = {}

Using this module does *not* prevent caching of invocations / templates,
since Scribunto does not think the isolation can be broken. Call this function
to prevent caching.
function p.prevent_caching()
	mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = '#var', args = { '__var_to_prevent_caching#Module:Break Isolation' } }
	p.prevent_caching = function() end

Call with the name of a module to get a persistant object for that module

Subsequent calls with the same name will return the same object, even
across different #invokes
function p.get_module_store(module_name)
	store.by_module[module_name] = store.by_module[module_name] or {}
	return store.by_module[module_name]

Given the name of a module, returns a "cache" decorator that, given a name
and a function, will return a function that will memoise the results of that
function. This cache will persist across different invocations.

Only use this with pure functions where the arguments are strings, integers, nil
or boolean only. Supports any number of arguments, but note that `f(1)` and
`f(1, nil)` will have different cache values (extra arguments are *not* ignored)

Supports any results, but note that if the result is cached, it will be calling
the function from the first invocation context where it is cached. Will return
a clone of the cached result every time to prevent modification
function p.cache_functions(module_name)
	store.function_cache[module_name] = store.function_cache[module_name] or {
		functions = {},
		cached_results = {}
	return function(f_name, f)
		store.function_cache[module_name].cached_results[f_name] = store.function_cache[module_name].cached_results[f_name] or {}
		local cache = store.function_cache[module_name].cached_results[f_name]
		store.function_cache[module_name].functions[f_name] = store.function_cache[module_name].functions[f_name] or function(...)
			local cache_for_args = cache
			local arg = { ..., n = select('#', ...) }
			for i=1, arg.n do
				local t = type(arg[i])
				if t ~= 'number' and t ~= 'string' and t ~= 'nil' and t ~= 'boolean' then
					error(('Cached function %s %s called with unsupported type %s'):format(module_name, f_name, t))
				cache[t] = cache[t] or {}
				cache_for_args = cache[t]
				if t ~= 'nil' then
					cache[t][arg[i]] = cache[t][arg[i]] or {}
					cache_for_args = cache[t][arg[i]]
			local cached_answer = cache_for_args.result
			if cached_answer == nil then
				cached_answer = f(...)
				if cached_answer == nil then
					cached_answer = store.nil_marker
				cache_for_args.result = cached_answer
			if cached_answer == store.nil_marker then
				cached_answer = nil
			return mw.clone(cached_answer)
		return store.function_cache[module_name].functions[f_name]

return p