Moderate Investigations

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Rookie • Elementary • Standard • Moderate • Precise • Tricky • Intricate • Complex • Tough • Advanced • Demanding • Challenging • Perplexing • Baffling • Fiendish

Moderate Investigations is the fourth Investigation activity unlocked in the Detective skill at level 46. An Investigation can be started by interacting with the Investigations Board in the Investigation Hall.

To complete an investigation, choose one from the Investigations Board then go to the three locations mentioned and investigate the clues, once you've investigated all clues return to the Investigation Hall and you will find a lineup of suspects use the information gained from the clues to arrest the correct suspect. (click info on suspects to confirm the description)

This type of investigation is limited to:

  • Interactable clues
  • Files clues
  • Aura clues


  • Locations inside the Crenopolis city walls
  • Locations without agressive enemies

For a full list of clue types and locations, see the main Investigations page.

Detective info[edit | edit source]

Moderate Investigations
Level required46 Detective
Detective XP 5,157 - 5,452 xp
Album XP 735 xp
Coins 13 Silver 370 Copper - 14 Silver 690 Copper
Knowledge22 %
Required equipmentMagnifying Glass
UnlocksNew clue kind - Magic aura.
The Detect Aura spell may now be used to help identify the perpetrator.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.