Fine Buffalo Leather

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Basic • Moderate • Fine • Strong • Superior • Perfect

Fine Buffalo Leather is an item created using the Leatherworker profession. To manufacture this item, a player must use the Liming Pit, Scraping Rack, and Tanning Tub.

Creation[edit | edit source]

Facility Tanning Tub
Album XP2,520 xp
Duration4.3 seconds (11.3 total)
Leatherworker1100.45%379 (986 total)
Raw IngredientQuantityCost
Fine Buffalo Hide14Silver60Copper
Total Raw cost4Silver60Copper
Intermediate IngredientQuantityFaciltity
Limed Fine Buffalo Hide1 Liming Pit
Scraped Fine Buffalo Hide1 Scraping Rack
Fine Buffalo Leather15Silver525Copper

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.

References[edit | edit source]