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Detective is one of four professions introduced in Crenopolis, which revolves around preventing and solving crimes around the city. Although other professions are not necessary to train Detective, it is helpful to train the Watchperson profession alongside Detective for Crime Den Raids that serve to unlock quick travel routes for the Merchant profession.


Spotting thieves

Sergeant Fowler in the Guardhouse Lobby will tell the player what stall is being targeted the most, which will always be the highest level stall accessible. There is no need to talk to her for an increased rate of thieves. Note that the Experience per hour values in the table below assume the stall is the player's current highest stall.

* The Hide Stall thieves will NOT spawn until you talk to Sergeant Fowler.

Required level Name Location Thieves/hour Experience/action Experience/hour Profit/action Profit/hour Album exp
0 Hide Stall * Waterfront 120 265 31,800 634 Copper 76 Silver 80 Copper
2 Soap Stall Soap Shop 120 239 28,680 595 Copper 71 Silver 400 Copper
6 Greengrocers Greengrocers 120 209 25,080 548 Copper 65 Silver 760 Copper
12 Butcher's Stall Lord's Road West 120 323 38,760 877 Copper 105 Silver 240 Copper 354
14 Hallig's Street Food Thadwick Square 120 389 46,680 Silver 61 Copper 127 Silver 320 Copper
22 Henderson's Meat Henderson's Meat Storehouse 120 329 39,480 868 Copper 104 Silver 160 Copper
37 Penny's Clockwork Lord's Road East 120 716 85,920 Silver 864 Copper 223 Silver 680 Copper 618
60 Toy Stall Tanners Road 120 1,087 130,440 Silver 571 Copper 308 Silver 520 Copper 963
75 Hermar's Homeware Cobble Corner 120 1,287 154,440 Silver 558 Copper 306 Silver 960 Copper 1285
98 Souvenir Stall Outer Market 120 2,155 258,600 Silver 692 Copper 443 Silver 40 Copper 2000
107 Fortunehold Farm Fortunehold Farm 120 2,585 310,200 Silver 185 Copper 502 Silver 200 Copper 2379
136 Francesca's Fruit Stall Meggrit's Market 120 3,858 462,960 Silver 347 Copper 521 Silver 640 Copper
144 Cheese Shop Unicorn Farm 120 4,581 549,720 Silver 584 Copper 550 Silver 80 Copper 4850
159 Jennaler's Wines Waterfront Market 120 7,224 866,880 Silver 424 Copper 650 Silver 880 Copper 6,474
182 Vase Stall Lord's Road Central 120 11,840 1,420,800 Silver 365 Copper 883 Silver 800 Copper 10,080
191 Candice's Candles Bobbin Road South 120 12,285 1,474,200 Silver 10 Copper 841 Silver 200 Copper 11,987
248 Victor T Cyclops Cyclops Store Cave 150 13,270 1,990,500 Silver 148 Copper 922 Silver 200 Copper
296 Bert's Gallery Bert's Gallery 160 14,260 2,281,600 Silver 957 Copper 953 Silver 120 Copper
373 Monocle Market Peacock Road North 120 39,824 4.778.880 11 Silver 732 Copper Gold 407 Silver 840 Copper
422 Tommy Shoes' Wines Peacock Road Central
490 Pearl Stall Peacock Road South

Crime Den Raids

Crime Den Raids consist of breaking into an area and subduing approximately 5 combatants for both Watchperson and Detective experience. There are two areas per Crime Den, and when one raid is completed the room will remain empty while its counterpart will reset to generate a new raid. Clearing one of the Crime Dens serves as a shortcut for Merchants' Guild bounties, offering alternate routes between vendors.

Required level Name Location XP XP
4 Smugglers Geld Family Residence, Geld Family Logistics 1,186 238x5 (1,190 total)
8 Counterfeiters Dilapidated Warehouse, Slant Street Cart House 1,376 276x5 (1,380 total)
18 Burglars Oscen's Warehouse, Market Chambers 1,969 397x5 (1,985 total)
51 Muggers Four Winds Backroom, Four Winds Sideroom 5,152 955x5 (4,775 total)
83 Gangsters Gillad's House, The Quill Club 11,577 2,202x5 (11,010 total)
121 Devious Smugglers Geld Family Residence, Geld Family Logistics 26,064 4,838x5 (24,190 total)
168 Crafty Counterfeiters Dilapidated Warehouse, Slant Street Cart House 64,368 12,671x5 (63,355 total)
219 Sneaky Burglars Oscen's Warehouse, Market Chambers 130,391 26,245x5 (131,225 total)
344 Brutal Muggers Four Winds Side Room, Four Winds Backroom
451 Nefarious Gangsters Gillad's House, The Quill Club

The Easy battle penalty for fighting low level enemies is applied to Watchperson experience. A higher Detective level will also result in a penalized experience rate to lower level activities.


The player can collect one investigation bounty at a time from the Investigation Board at the Investigation Hall. By following the hints in the description of the bounty list, clues are collected and depending on their relevance, one arrest can be made back at the Investigation Hall. An important thing to consider to prevent false arrests is to "use" the information gathered on the suspects as the first interactable option would result in their arrest, ending the bounty. More complex clues, steps, auras, suspects, and descriptions are added at higher difficulty investigations.

Required Level Name Location XP Profit Album exp
10 Rookie Investigations Investigation Hall 1,303-1,931 Silver 512 CopperSilver 207 Copper 334
16 Elementary Investigations Investigation Hall 2,032-2,296 Silver 529 CopperSilver 249 Copper
28 Standard Investigations Investigation Hall 3,509-3,855 Silver 724 Copper10 Silver 683 Copper
46 Moderate Investigations Investigation Hall 5,157-5,452 13 Silver 370 Copper14 Silver 690 Copper
69 Precise Investigations Investigation Hall 6,755-8,490 15 Silver 760 Copper19 Silver 406 Copper
89 Tricky Investigations Investigation Hall 11,280-12,720 21 Silver 932 Copper24 Silver 260 Copper 1,682
112 Intricate Investigations Investigation Hall 14,007-20,007 24 Silver 733 Copper28 Silver 896 Copper 2,619
130 Complex Investigations Investigation Hall 23,445-27,024 3,704
153 Tough Investigations Investigation Hall 36,507-41,849 5,767
173 Advanced Investigations Investigation Hall
197 Demanding Investigations Investigation Hall 73,056-100,173 35 Silver 349 Copper48 Silver 697 Copper 13,455
267 Challenging Investigations Investigation Hall
315 Perplexing Investigations Investigation Hall
393 Baffling Investigations Investigation Hall
470 Fiendish Investigations Investigation Hall

Passive activities

Detective passive activities are of four types: filing evidence in the Guard's Archive, interrogations in the Interrogation Room, forensics work in the Forensics Lab, and stakeouts around crime dens. All passive activities complete award both Detective XP and coins, however Forensics work also requires Forensics potions crafted by Alchemists.

Profit values assume Forensics potions are purchased from The Apothecary Shop, profit rates may differ if they are brewed by the player.

Passive activities give reduced experience when a players level is high enough to perform a new passive activity for that profession. The numbers shown here are the full experience.

LevelActivityMaterialsBuy ValuePaymentProfitProfit/hrXPXP/hr
340.005 × Basic Potion Forensics106Copper49Copper-57Copper-10Silver260Copper101,800
570.005 × Basic Potion Forensics106Copper54Copper-52Copper-9Silver360Copper173,060
920.005 × Moderate Potion Forensics179Copper81Copper-98Copper-17Silver640Copper325,760
1100.005 × Moderate Potion Forensics179Copper84Copper-95Copper-17Silver100Copper468,280
1410.005 × Fine Potion Forensics349Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown
1650.005 × Fine Potion Forensics349Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown
2000.005 × Strong Potion Forensics600Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown
2580.005 × Strong Potion Forensics600Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown
3640.005 × Superior Potion Forensics1Silver150Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown
4410.005 × Superior Potion Forensics1Silver150Copperunknownunknownunknownunknownunknown

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Ventures are daily skilling tasks that have set cooldowns, usually rewarding experience, items, or currency. Detective ventures are completed by hanging wanted posters on the Wanted Poster Board in Lord's Road East. Rewards are given immediately upon hanging the poster, and the poster board becomes empty after 12 hours.

Item Level Experience Profit
Wanted - Dumpy Smith 43 3,469
Wanted - Unlucky Judith 80 7,072
Wanted - Alex Pacone 115
Wanted - Bonnie Cassidy 150 27,216
Wanted - Jimmy Fingers 194 63,487
Wanted - Fay Gauwkes 287
Wanted - Marty The Dagger 412

Detective tools

Detective tools can be purchased from the Desk Sergeant in the Guardhouse Lobby.

Level Tool Grade XP Boost Cost Shop
0 Handcuffs 1 🌟 N/A 36 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
10 Binoculars 1 🌟 N/A 91 Silver 800 Copper Detective Depot
10 Magnifying Glass 1 🌟 N/A 54 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
52 Handcuffs 2 🌟 5% 259 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
90 Magnifying Glass 2 🌟 5% 396 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
105 Binoculars 2 🌟 5% 450 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
183 Handcuffs 3 🌟 10% 1 Gold 90 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
198 Magnifying Glass 3 🌟 10% 1 Gold 170 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot
243 Binoculars 3 🌟 10% 1 Gold 420 Silver 0 Copper Detective Depot

Capes of Accomplishment

The Detective Cape is a piece of equipment unlocked by achieving various milestones through leveling the Detective profession and can be purchased from Daguer at The Cloakroom located in Hopeport.

Level Cape Cost
50 Journeyman Detective Cape 504 Silver 0 Copper
100 Adept Detective Cape 1 Gold 290 Silver 0 Copper
200 Expert Detective Cape 3 Gold 160 Silver 0 Copper
500 Ultimate Detective Cape 9 Gold 360 Silver 0 Copper

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.
