+1 Potion Boost Level

Revision as of 12:13, 12 December 2024 by Alsang (talk | contribs) (→‎Creation: passive parameter set to Yes (via AWB))
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+1 Potion Boost Level is a Boost Level potion that increases a player's profession levels and knowledge by +1 to access new passive activities. Lasts for 1 hour. It is created using the Alchemist profession by combining Soft Shimmerbean and Brown Moth Wing at a Passive Potion Station.

Creation Edit

Facility Passive Potion Station
Passive Experience 12
Duration20 seconds
ProfessionLevelKPAlbum XP
Alchemist380%630 xp
Raw IngredientQuantityCost
Soft Shimmerbean0.00528Copper
Brown Moth Wing0.00525Copper
Total Raw cost53.1Copper
+1 Potion Boost Level0.00548Copper

Shop locations Edit

Shop Episode Buy price Sell price
The Apothecary Shop Hopeport 26 Silver 800 Copper 9 Silver 600 Copper

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.