Attack Style

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Attack styles are the form of damage being dealt to the player or by the player during combat.

Most weapons the player will use have an Attack style, some monsters will use a set attack style to which they are immune, but in turn will make them weak to another. This also goes in the same direction for the Player, as certain armors will give you different strengths and weaknesses.

Attack Styles and Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Types Opposite Style
Impact Impact
Cryonae Arborae
Arborae Infernae
Tempestae Necromae
Infernae Tempestae
Necromae Cryonae

Weapon Styles[edit | edit source]

Any weapon with an elemental style has a percentage of how often they will hit with a specific style. In the example on the right, you can see this weapon has a 34% chance of hitting Tempestae damage.

This is a great weapon vs Goblins who fight with Infernae, on the other side of the coin, it is practically useless against Hairbeast, of which are immune to Tempestae, this would cause 1/3 of your hits to be 0's.

Most weapon types have their own attack style. Use the below table to find the correct fit for your next grind:

Style & Weapon
Sword Halberd Stone Mace Kanabo Plumbatae
Bow Crossbow War Hammer
Great Hammer
Throwing Hammers

Monster Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

You can find a monsters weakness by clicking on their splash art during a fight, or by finding the monster under the 'Combat' profession in your Professions tab, a monsters weakness can only be found this way if you have killed one and 'discovered' it's weakness.

Any variant of a monster will retains the same weakness. So a Hooligan Goblin Soldier has the same Tempestae weakness as a Plunderer Goblin Soldier.

Using the correct attack style against a mob deals varied additional damage, and is more accurate.