War Hammer (superior)

Revision as of 07:03, 4 December 2024 by BlackHawk (talk | contribs) (Add update history)

Superior War Hammer is an weapon dropped by various monsters or made with the Stonemason profession.


FacilityFile:One Handed Melee Workbench.png One Handed Melee Workbench
Experience? (edit) (? total)
Duration? (edit) (? total)
ProfessionLevelKPAlbum XP
Stonemason226? (edit)Unknown
Raw IngredientQuantityCost
Sturdy Hickory Pole112Silver100Copper
Sturdy Basalt320Silver700Copper
Total Raw cost32Silver800Copper
Intermediate IngredientQuantityFaciltity
Sturdy Basalt (Etched)3 T.E.A. Machine
File:War Hammer (Superior).pngWar Hammer (Superior)10Copper

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.