Wall Guard's Sword: Difference between revisions

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|release = 2024-11-06
|episode = Hopeport
|valuequest = 0No
|value = 1
|quest = [[The Obelisk]]
|description = This was delivered to Commander Hackett.
The '''Wall Guard's Sword''' is a [[Quest Itemweapon]] usedgiven duringto the player by [[TheCommander ObeliskHackett]]. Itin can[[The beObelisk]] obtainedquest fromin the Commander Hackett on top of the[[File:Hopeport_episode_icon.png|width=16x16]] [[Town GatesHopeport]]. He will also give a new one if you lose the item.
Initially, two [[Tuning|untuned]] swords are given to the player. If they are lost, dropped, or sold, players may speak to the Commander Hackett to obtain replacement untuned swords for free, but only after repairing the obelisk during the quest. Multiple untuned swords can be obtained by dropping them and then asking Commander Hackett for replacements. The quest is completed when a player hands in one tuned sword, and after completing the quest replacements cannot be obtained. Players wishing to obtain multiple Wall Guard's Swords should do so before completing the quest.
They are functionally identical to a [[Guard's Longsword]], however they are locked to level 10 and {{Uncommon}} rarity, so they have the following fixed stats:
{{Infobox weapon
|rarity = common
|damage = 48
|element =
|element% = 0
|range = melee
|slot = two-hand
==Update history==
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* Players may drop the Wall Guard's Sword to obtain multiple instances of the item from the Commander Hackett, but only during the quest.
{{The Obelisk}}
[[Category:Quest Items]]
{{Welcome to the Guard}}
