Thief is a variant monster found in Hopeport. They attack with Cryonae damage, are immune to Cryonae damage, and are vulnerable to Arborae damage.

Attacks with Cryonae

Immune to Cryonae

Weak to Arborae

Variants Edit

 MonsterUnlocked atCombat Level
Common Thief.pngCommon Thief04
Scruffy Thief.pngScruffy Thief1422
Loitering Thief.pngLoitering Thief4766
Shifty Thief.pngShifty Thief96115
Crafty Thief.pngCrafty Thief143160
Sneaky Thief.pngSneaky Thief194245
Dangerous Thief.pngDangerous Thief326390

Locations Edit

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.