Stakeout is a type of passive activity for the Detective profession, peformed in different locations around in Crenopolis.

Players can participate in this activity starting at level 31 Detective, so long as they have Binoculars. It requires no resources and makes no products, however it awards Detective XP and coins.


Counterfeiters' Front Stakeout.png31
Burglars' Front Stakeout.png54
Muggers' North Stakeout.png86
Smugglers' Front Stakeout.png104
Gangsters' Front Stakeout.png139
Counterfeiters' Back Stakeout.png162
Burglars' Back Stakeout.png188
Muggers' South Stakeout.png238
Smugglers' Back Stakeout.png354
Gangsters' Back Stakeout.png431

Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.