Sparring Guard is a variant monster found in Hopeport. They attack with Impact damage, are not immune to any damage type, and are not vulnerable to any damage type.

Variants Edit

 MonsterUnlocked atCombat Level
Recruit Sparring Guard.pngRecruit Sparring Guard00
Rookie sparring guard.pngRookie Sparring Guard1218
Patrol Sparring Guard.pngPatrol Sparring Guard5271
Wall Sparring Guard.pngWall Sparring Guard110129
Veteran Sparring Guard.pngVeteran Sparring Guard160180
Decorated Sparring Guard.pngDecorated Sparring Guard290345

Locations Edit

Drops Edit

Armour Edit

Weapons Edit

Items Edit

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.