Module:Sandbox/User:Alsang/PassivePotionList: Difference between revisions

thousand sepatating commas
(Created page with "require('Module:Mw.html extension') local param = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ) local currency = require('Module:Currency') local p = {} -- non dynamic module, no inputs function p.main() -- returns almost every parameter needed for the row, except buy values for reagents local query = { 'Category:Potions', 'Uses facility::Passive Potion Station', '?Profession Level A = lvl', '? #- = name', '?Uses item #- = reagents', '?Value = sell', '?Recip...")
(thousand sepatating commas)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 2:
local param = require( 'Module:Paramtest' )
local currency = require('Module:Currency')
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
require("Module:Mw.html extension")
Line 11 ⟶ 13:
-- returns almost every parameter needed for the row, except buy values for reagents
local query = {
'[[Uses facility::Passive Potion Station]] OR [[Variant of::Ebsworth Work]]',
'[[Uses facility::Passive Potion Station]]',
'?Profession Level A = lvl',
'? #- = name',
'?Uses item #- = reagents',
'?Value #- = sell',
'?RecipeActivity XPcoins = brewXPcoins',
'?RecipeActivity KPXP = brewKPXP',
'?RecipeActivity duration = brewDurationduration',
'?Variant of #- = variant',
'sort = Profession Level A'
Line 28 ⟶ 30:
return p.displayTable(results)
--for debugging
--return '<pre>', mw.text.JSON_PRETTY)..'</pre>'
-- makes the html for the cells containing currency directly, no tags needed
local function currency_cell(amount)
-- flag is for if the number should not be known, replaces with zero
return currency._cell(amount, { html = 'yes' })
local function currency_cell(amount,flag)
local a = {}
if flag then
a = currency._cell(amount, { html = 'yes' })
a = currency._cell(0, { html = 'yes' }) -- replace this with blank, if I can figure out how to
return a
Line 48 ⟶ 46:
for i, item in ipairs(results) do
-- potions have reagents, but passive ebsworth work does not
if item.variant=='Ebsworth Work' then
-- iterate through reagents, adding buy price to running total (individuals not needed)
-- starting value 20 is for bottle = 20
for j, reagent in ipairs(item.reagents) do
-- if it is ebsworth work, sub in different fields for the buy and sell values
--shamelessley lifted from Module:Products = 0
local shopPriceQuery = '[[:+]][[Sold item::' .. reagent .. ']]|?Shop buy price|mainlabel=' .. reagent
item.sell = item.coins
local shopPriceResult = mw.smw.ask(shopPriceQuery) or {}
local shopPrice = 0
-- iterate through reagents, adding buy price to running total (individuals not needed)
-- starting value 20 is for bottle = 20
for j, reagent in ipairs(item.reagents) do
--shamelessley lifted from Module:Products
local shopPriceQuery = '[[:+]][[Sold item::' .. reagent .. ']]|?Shop buy price|mainlabel=' .. reagent
local shopPriceResult = mw.smw.ask(shopPriceQuery) or {}
local shopPrice = 0
if shopPriceResult[1] and shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"] then
shopPrice = tonumber(shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"]) or 0
end = + shopPrice
-- sanitise data, set to 0 if its not there
Line 71 ⟶ 75:
local buy = or 0
local sell = item.sell or 0
local brewXPXP = item.brewXPXP or 0
local brewKPKP = item.brewKPKP or 0
local brewDurationduration = item.brewDurationduration or 0
-- direct values
item.profit = sell - buy
item.XP = brewXP
--item.KP = brewKP
item.profitPerXP = math.floor(item.profit / item.XP * 100) / 100
-- passive activities have no downtime
item.duration = brewDuration
item.potionPerHour = 1 / item.duration * 3600
-- properties per hour
item.XPPerHour = math.floor(item.XP * item.potionPerHour)
--item.KPPerHour = math.floor(item.KP * item.potionPerHour) / 100
item.profitPerHour = math.floor(item.profit * item.potionPerHour)*0.005
-- flags for if data values should be shown
item.hasLvl = param.has_content(item.lvl)
item.hasBuy = param.has_content(
item.hasSell = param.has_content(item.sell)
item.hasProfit = item.hasBuy and item.hasSell
item.hasXP = param.has_content(item.brewXPXP)
--item.hasKPhasDuration = param.has_content(item.brewKPduration)
item.hasDuration = param.has_content(item.brewDuration)
-- direct values
if item.variant=='Ebsworth Work' then
-- XP/KP strings, if the requisite data isnt there then display "unknown"
if item.hasXPprofit = sell - thenbuy
--item.xp = lang:formatNum(item.xp) -- format to include commas
item.profit = (sell - buy)*0.005 -- passive potions all have quantity 0.005 per action
item.XP = item.XP -- format to include commas
item.XP = XP
if item.XP==0 then
item.profitPerXP = 0
item.profitPerXP = math.floor(item.profit / (item.XP) * 100) / 100
item.XP = 'Unknown'
-- passive activities have no downtime
--if item.hasKP then
-- item.KPduration = item.KP .. '%' -- want 1 decimal placeduration
if item.duration == 0 then
-- item.KPpotionPerHour = 'Unknown'0
if item.hasXP and item.hasDuration then
item.XPPerHour = item.XPPerHour -- format to include commas
item.XPPerHourpotionPerHour = 'Unknown'1 / (item.duration) * 3600
-- properties per hour
--if item.hasKP and item.hasDuration then
-- item.KPPerHourXPPerHour = math.floor(item.KPPerHourXP --* want 2 decimal placesitem.potionPerHour)
item.profitPerHour = math.floor(item.profit * item.potionPerHour)
-- item.KPPerHour = 'Unknown'
Line 140 ⟶ 128:
:wikitext('Potion or Activity')
Line 171 ⟶ 159:
-- :wikitext('KP')
-- :wikitext('KP/hr')
for i,item in ipairs(results) do
-- if its not ebsworth work, need a list of reagents
-- need to generate the text for the reagent cell before starting the row
local reagentCell = ''
if not(item.variant=='Ebsworth Work') then
for j, reagent in ipairs(item.reagents) do
-- need to generate the text for the reagent cell before starting the row
reagentCell = reagentCell .. '[[File:' .. reagent .. '.png|30px|link=' .. reagent .. ']] [[' .. reagent .. ']]<br>'
for j, reagent in ipairs(item.reagents) do
reagentCell = reagentCell .. '[[File:' .. reagent .. '.png|30px|link=' .. reagent .. ']] [[' .. reagent .. ']]<br>'
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:wikitext('[[File:' .. .. '.png|30px|link=' .. .. ']] [[' .. .. ']]')
:IF(not(item.variant=='Ebsworth Work'))
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
-- I cannot for the life of me figure out why,
-- but if I put item.sell directly into this function it claims it has value nil
-- it works for other functions to display it directly
-- so here is the workaround I guess
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:attr{ colspan = '21' }
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:IF(item.hasProfit and item.hasDuration)
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:wikitext(currency_cell(item.profitPerHour,item.hasProfit and item.hasDuration))
:wikitextIF(item.XPPerHourhasXP and item.hasDuration)
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
:wikitext(currency_cell(item.profitPerXP,item.hasXP and item.hasProfit))
:IF(item.hasXP and item.hasProfit)
-- :wikitext(currency_cell(item.KPprofitPerXP))
-- :tag('td')
-- :wikitextaddClass(item.KPPerHour'table-bg-grey')
:attr{ colspan = '10' }
:css{ ['text-align'] = 'center' }
