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Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Round/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Round/doc. [edit]
Module:Round's function main is invoked by Template:Round.
Module:Round requires Module:Addcommas.
-- for comparing numbers but leaving trailing zeros so sorts are cleaner
local addcommas = require("Module:Addcommas")._add
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
local n = args[1]
n = string.gsub(n, ',', '')
n = tonumber(n, 10)
if not n then
local good, val = pcall(mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr, args[1])
if good then
n = tonumber(val, 10)
return 'Value is not a number or a valid expression'
local round = args.round or args[2]
-- I don't think commas matter; we're not going to allow more than 10 probably
round = tonumber(round, 10)
if not round then
return 'Rounding is not a number'
return p.round(n, round, args[3] or args["commas"])
-- rounds a number and then adds trailing zeros
-- only after the decimal point
-- negative rounding implies numbers before the decimal point are removed
-- but that can be done with #expr
-- this is meant for padding, which #expr can't do
function p.round(n, r, commas)
n = tonumber(n,10)
r = tonumber(r,10)
local sign = n >= 0 and 1 or -1
if not (n and r) then
return '--'
r = math.floor(r)
if r < 1 then
n = math.floor(n)
return commas and addcommas(n) or n
-- get decimal parts
n = tostring(n)
n = mw.text.split(n,'%.')
local int,dec = n[1],n[2]
if not dec then
dec = 0
-- round the decimal part
dec = '0.' .. dec
dec = tonumber(dec,10)
local rexp = 10 ^ r
dec = math.floor(dec * rexp + 0.5) / rexp
-- increment int portion if dec rounded up to 1
if dec == 1 then
int = tostring(tonumber(int) + sign)
dec = 0
if dec > 0 then
dec = tostring(dec) .. string.rep('0',r)
-- cut down to desired round
-- start at 3 because of "0.x"
dec = string.sub(dec,3,2+r)
dec = string.rep('0',r)
-- recombine
n = string.format('%s.%s', commas and addcommas(int) or int, dec)
return n
return p