Module:Products: Difference between revisions

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(x -> × simplify single value / table of values implementation; allow quantity to have a decimal point (like when it's "0.05"))
Line 46: Line 46:
for _, product in ipairs(products) do
for _, product in ipairs(products) do
local usesItems = product["Uses item and quantity"]
local usesItems = product["Uses item and quantity"]
if type(usesItems) == "table" then
if type(usesItems) == "string" then
for _, item in ipairs(usesItems) do
-- Single value
usesItems = { usesItems }
-- Extract item name and quantity from the "item,#" format
local itemName, quantity = item:match("([^,]+),(%d+)")
for _, item in ipairs(usesItems) do
quantity = tonumber(quantity) or 1 -- Default to 1 if quantity is missing
-- Extract item name and quantity from the "item,#" format

if itemName then
local itemName, quantity = item:match("^([^,]+),([0-9.]+)$")
-- Query for the shop buy price of the item
local shopPriceQuery = '[[:+]][[Sold item::' .. itemName .. ']]|?Shop buy price|mainlabel=' .. itemName
local shopPriceResult = mw.smw.ask(shopPriceQuery) or {}
local shopPrice = 0

if shopPriceResult[1] and shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"] then
shopPrice = tonumber(shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"]) or 0

-- Multiply the price by the quantity
local totalPrice = shopPrice * quantity

-- Update the product with the formatted string and total price
product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] = totalPrice > 0 and totalPrice or "N/A"
product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] = quantity .. " x " .. itemName
elseif type(usesItems) == "string" then
-- Handle single uses item_and_quantity (not a table)
local itemName, quantity = usesItems:match("([^,]+),(%d+)")
quantity = tonumber(quantity) or 1 -- Default to 1 if quantity is missing
quantity = tonumber(quantity) or 1 -- Default to 1 if quantity is missing

Line 90: Line 70:
-- Update the product with the formatted string and total price
-- Update the product with the formatted string and total price
product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] = totalPrice > 0 and totalPrice or "N/A"
product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] = totalPrice > 0 and totalPrice or "N/A"
product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] = quantity .. " x " .. itemName
product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] = tostring(quantity) .. " × " .. itemName

Revision as of 12:09, 28 November 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Products/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Products/doc. [edit]
Module:Products's function main is invoked by Template:Products.
Module:Products requires Module:Currency.
Module:Products requires Module:Mw.

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
	return p._main(frame:getParent().args)

function p._main(args)
	args = args or {}
    args.item = args.item or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
    local showPrices = args.showPrices or false
    local showValues = args.showValues or false
    local products = p.getProducts(args)
    if products ~= 0 then
    	local recipeNames = p.extractRecipeNames(products)
    	local prodprices = p.getShopBuyPrices(products)
    	-- Generate and return a table containing the product information
    	local output = p.displayProductTable(prodprices, showPrices, showValues)
    	return output
    	return "There are no known products for item '''args.item'''"

function p.extractRecipeNames(products)
    local recipeNames = {}
    for _, recipeInfo in ipairs(products) do
        local recipeLink = recipeInfo["Recipe"]
        if recipeLink then
            local displayName = recipeLink:match("%[%[.-|(.+)%]%]")
            if displayName then
                table.insert(recipeNames, displayName)
    return recipeNames

function p.getProducts(args)
    local item = mw.smw.ask('[[:+]][[Uses item::' .. args.item .. ']]|?Uses item |?Uses item and quantity |?Profession A |?Profession Level A|?Value |mainlabel=Recipe') or 0
    return item

function p.getShopBuyPrices(products)
    local mw = require('mw')

    for _, product in ipairs(products) do
        local usesItems = product["Uses item and quantity"]
        if type(usesItems) == "string" then
            -- Single value
            usesItems = { usesItems }
        for _, item in ipairs(usesItems) do
            -- Extract item name and quantity from the "item,#" format
            local itemName, quantity = item:match("^([^,]+),([0-9.]+)$")
            quantity = tonumber(quantity) or 1 -- Default to 1 if quantity is missing

            if itemName then
                -- Query for the shop buy price of the item
                local shopPriceQuery = '[[:+]][[Sold item::' .. itemName .. ']]|?Shop buy price|mainlabel=' .. itemName
                local shopPriceResult = mw.smw.ask(shopPriceQuery) or {}
                local shopPrice = 0

                if shopPriceResult[1] and shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"] then
                    shopPrice = tonumber(shopPriceResult[1]["Shop buy price"]) or 0

                -- Multiply the price by the quantity
                local totalPrice = shopPrice * quantity

                -- Update the product with the formatted string and total price
                product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] = totalPrice > 0 and totalPrice or "N/A"
                product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] = tostring(quantity) .. " × " .. itemName
    return products

function p.displayProductTable(products, showPrices, showValues)
	local currency = require('Module:Currency').parse
    local out = {}
    table.insert(out, '{| class="wikitable"')
    local headerRow = {}
    table.insert(headerRow, '!colspan="2" | Recipe')
    table.insert(headerRow, '!! Level')

	if showValues then
    	table.insert(headerRow, '!! Value')

	table.insert(headerRow, '!! Ingredients')

	if showPrices then
    	table.insert(headerRow, '!! Price')

	table.insert(out, table.concat(headerRow, ' '))

    for _, product in ipairs(products) do
    	local recipeRawText = product["Recipe"]:match("%[%[.-|(.+)%]%]")
    	local recipeImage = "[[File:" .. recipeRawText .. ".png|30px]]"
        local recipe = product["Recipe"] or "Unknown"
        local professionName = product["Profession A"]:match("%[%[.-|(.+)%]%]") or product["Profession A"]:match("%[%[(.-)%]%]") or product["Profession A"] or "Unknown"
        local professionLevel = "[[File:" .. professionName .. " small icon.png|15px]]  " .. (product["Profession Level A"] or "Unknown")
        local usesItems = product["Uses item"] or {}
        local value = currency(product["Value"]) or "Unknown"

        -- Concatenate uses items and their shop buy prices in unordered lists
        local usesItemStr = "<ul style='list-style:none; margin:0; padding-left:0;'>"
        local shopBuyPriceStr = "<ul style='list-style:none; margin:0; padding-left:0; text-align:right;'>"

        if type(usesItems) == "table" then
            for _, item in ipairs(usesItems) do
                local itemName = item:match("%[%[.-|(.+)%]%]") or item:match("%[%[(.-)%]%]") or item
                usesItemStr = usesItemStr .. "<li>" .. product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] .. "</li>"
                local shopBuyPrice = product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] or 0
                if shopBuyPrice == "N/A" then shopBuyPrice = 0 end
                shopBuyPriceStr = shopBuyPriceStr .. "<li>" .. currency(shopBuyPrice) .. "</li>"
        elseif type(usesItems) == "string" then
            local itemName = usesItems:match("%[%[.-|(.+)%]%]") or usesItems:match("%[%[(.-)%]%]") or usesItems
            usesItemStr = usesItemStr .. "<li>" .. product[itemName .. "_Formatted"] .. "</li>"
            local shopBuyPrice = product[itemName .. "_Shop_buy_price"] or 0
            if shopBuyPrice == "N/A" then shopBuyPrice = 0 end
            shopBuyPriceStr = shopBuyPriceStr .. "<li>" .. currency(shopBuyPrice) .. "</li>"

        usesItemStr = usesItemStr .. "</ul>"
        shopBuyPriceStr = shopBuyPriceStr .. "</ul>"

        table.insert(out, '|-')
        local valuesRow = {}
        table.insert(valuesRow, '| ' .. recipeImage)
        table.insert(valuesRow, '|| ' .. recipe)
		table.insert(valuesRow, '|| ' .. professionLevel)

		if showValues then
    		table.insert(valuesRow, '|| ' .. value)

		table.insert(valuesRow, '|| ' .. usesItemStr)

		if showPrices then
    		table.insert(valuesRow, '|| ' .. shopBuyPriceStr)

		table.insert(out, table.concat(valuesRow, ' '))
        --table.insert(out, '| ' .. recipe .. ' || ' .. professionLevel .. ' || ' .. value .. ' || ' .. usesItemStr .. ' || ' .. shopBuyPriceStr)

    table.insert(out, '|}')
    return table.concat(out, '\n')

return p