Module:Infobox Recipe: Difference between revisions

reorder sections so SMW properties are set earlier in the module
(Undo revision 57889 by Alsang (talk) nope that's what breaks it from making SMW data properly)
Tag: Undo
(reorder sections so SMW properties are set earlier in the module)
Line 27:
--If set to true, will check if any of the items passed as a rawmaterialparam are actually intermediate materials. Will then change the display order of the infobox.
local showFullRecipe = yn(args.showFull or 'no', false)
--Get each of the rawmatX parameters from params and store their values in a new table
Line 55 ⟶ 54:
--Set SMW properties early, so latter parts can potentially use it.
local smw_properties = {
['Uses item'] = {},
-- these are for when a recipe is called by a subsequent recipe that uses showFull
['Uses facility'] = args.facility,
-- these are for generating tables of profession xp rates and profits
['Activity XP'] = args.exp,
['Activity album XP'] = album_xp_data[tonumber(args.level)],
['Activity KP'] =,
['Activity duration'] = args.duration,
['Recipe JSON'] = mw.text.jsonEncode({
xp = args.exp and tonumber(args.exp),
kp = and tonumber(,
duration = args.duration,
materials = argsMaterials,
profession = args.profession,
level = args.level and tonumber(args.level),
-- Make sure to update this when multiple outputs are supported
output = {
{ name = args.output1, quantity = tonumber(args.output1qty) or 1 },
-- Make sure to update this when multiple outputs are supported to be a list of all outputs
['Recipe output'] = { args.output1 }
for _, material in ipairs(argsMaterials) do
table.insert(smw_properties['Uses item'],
Line 106 ⟶ 136:
album_xp = formatNum(album_xp)..' xp'
--Set SMW properties
local smw_properties = {
['Uses item'] = {},
-- these are for when a recipe is called by a subsequent recipe that uses showFull
['Uses facility'] = args.facility,
-- these are for generating tables of profession xp rates and profits
['Activity XP'] = args.exp,
['Activity album XP'] = album_xp_data[tonumber(args.level)],
['Activity KP'] =,
['Activity duration'] = args.duration,
['Recipe JSON'] = mw.text.jsonEncode({
xp = args.exp and tonumber(args.exp),
kp = and tonumber(,
duration = args.duration,
materials = argsMaterials,
profession = args.profession,
level = args.level and tonumber(args.level),
-- Make sure to update this when multiple outputs are supported
output = {
{ name = args.output1, quantity = tonumber(args.output1qty) or 1 },
-- Make sure to update this when multiple outputs are supported to be a list of all outputs
['Recipe output'] = { args.output1 }
for _, material in ipairs(argsMaterials) do
table.insert(smw_properties['Uses item'],
--Creates a row suitable for the raw materials section of the infobox.
