Miner: Difference between revisions

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Content added Content deleted
(Add HearthLight Gold data)
(Added missing unlocks)
Line 242: Line 242:
|[[Bronze Gate]]
|[[Bronze Gate]]
| [[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
Line 419: Line 419:
|T.E.A. Machine
|[[T.E.A. Machine]]
|[[Upper River Bend]] (3)
|[[Upper River Bend]] (3)
[[Upper Bridge]] (3)
[[Upper Bridge]] (3)
Line 489: Line 489:
|[[T.E.A. Machine]]
|[[T.E.A. Machine]]
|[[Bronze Gate]]
|[[Bronze Gate]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Stone Bank]]
|[[Stone Bank]]
Line 616: Line 616:
|[[Lionsmane Gold]]
|[[Lionsmane Gold]]
|[[Rugged Deathstone]]
|[[Violet Purpladium]]
|[[Holmitite Flantium Ore]]
|[[Gray Soapstone]]
|[[Basalt Mine Cart Work]]
|[[Gleamside Alabaster]]
|[[Resplendent Shinerium]]
|[[Average Granite]]
|[[Amorphous Brimstone]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Portoic Adathril Ore]]
|[[Pink Marble]]
|[[Fine Flint]]
|[[Gallant Silver]]
|[[Fine Basalt]]
|[[Gala Limestone]]
|[[Black Soapstone]]
|[[Hematite Iron Ore]]
|[[Hightower Gold]]
|[[Fine Andesite]]
|[[Fullmoon Silver]]
|[[Morian Cabranese Ore]]
|[[Black Alabaster]]
|[[Chromatic Mythstone]]
|[[Average Deathstone]]
|[[Lastwish Shinerium]]
|[[Amirite Flantium Ore]]
|[[Nacreous Brimstone]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Fine Granite]]
|[[Deepvein Marble]]
|[[Red Limestone]]
|[[Limestone Mine Cart Work]]
|[[Mulberry Purpladium]]
|[[Caric Adathril Ore]]
|[[Forest Green Soapstone]]
|[[Sturdy Flint]]
|[[Morningsun Gold]]
|[[Sturdy Basalt]]
|[[Whitestar Silver]]
|[[Agata Alabaster]]
|[[Magnetite Iron Ore]]
|[[Black Marble]]
|[[Fine Deathstone]]
|[[Constellation Shinerium]]
|[[Shaprian Cabranese Ore]]
|[[Fibrous Brimstone]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Purple Limestone]]
|[[Sturdy Andesite]]
|[[Blue-gray Soapstone]]
|[[Eysite Flantium Ore]]
|[[Orchid Purpladium]]
|[[Sturdy Granite]]
|[[Wistful Alabaster]]
|[[Masic Adathril Ore]]
|[[Brightstar Mythstone]]
|[[Phoenixfire Gold]]
|[[Fossils Mine Cart Work]]
|[[Imperial Silver]]
|[[Perfect Flint]]
|[[Red Marble]]
|[[Sturdy Deathstone]]
|[[Nexus Limestone]]
|[[Lavender Purpladium]]
|[[Siderite Iron Ore]]
|[[Polymeric Brimstone]]
|[[Ventures|Venture (12 hours)]]
|[[Perfect Basalt]]
|[[Starry Soapstone]]
|[[Temberian Cabranese Ore]]
|[[Lords Purpladium]]
|[[Perfect Andesite]]
|[[Paradise Alabaster]]
|[[Dark Marble]]
|[[Seethalite Flantium Ore]]
|[[Trueheart Gold]]
|[[Perfect Granite]]
|[[Majestic Purpladium]]
|[[Fortoic Adathril Ore]]
|[[Grandsaga Mythstone]]
|[[Perfect Deathstone]]