
From Brighter Shores Wiki
Revision as of 20:34, 22 March 2024 by Jayden (talk | contribs) (base cp from rsw)
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/* ===================
      HTML elements
   =================== */

// Background colour
// image is not here as it wont affect the top bar in search overlays and others
body {
	background: var(--body-background-color);
	color: var(--text-color);

// used on above switch infoboxes
select {
	color: var(--text-color);

// self link
a:not( [ href ] ) {
	color: inherit;

// External links icon
.mw-parser-output a.external {
	background-image: var(--external-icon);

// <blockquote>
blockquote {
	border-color: var(--body-mid);
	// uses default serif fonts
	font-family: inherit;

// Page title header
.pre-content h1 {
	text-align: center;

// Clear on first subheader. Useful for pages that start with floating content.
.mw-parser-output h2:first-of-type {
	clear: both;

// all are .content specific
.content { 
	// all headers border color
	.mw-parser-output > h2,
	.section-heading {
		border-color: var(--sidebar);

	// same specifity as default border style
	.mw-parser-output > h2,
	// all headers have this class
	.section-heading {
		border-color: var(--sidebar);

	// rv padding added by minerva
	.plainlist {
		ul {
			padding: 0;

	// same margin for top and bottom
	p {
		margin: 0.5em 0;

	// same as desktop <hr>
	hr {
		background: none;
		border-color: var(--sidebar);
		border-style: solid;
		border-width: 1px 0 0 0;
		height: initial;

	// no border pls
	samp {
		border: none

	pre {
		background-color: var(--mw-code-background-color);
		border: 1px solid var(--body-border);
