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/* ======================
====================== */
// colors are sorted from darkest to lightest
// See <> for naming system
// Don't change any of this unless you know what you're doing
/* ------------------
brand colors
------------------ */
// blues
@chathams-blue: #115883;
@jelly-bean: #246c97;
@steel-blue: #438ab5;
@fountain-blue: #6ba5c8;
@spindle: #c1deee;
@selago: #f6fbfe;
@nav-blue: #d8e5ff;
// gray-blues
@grey-gray: #ddd;
@river-bed: #444e5a;
@shuttle-gray: #5d6773;
@gray-chateau: #949eaa;
@loblolly: #bdc5cd;
@mystic: #e4eaee;
@black-haze: #f9fafa;
// grays
@mineshaft: #333;
@tundora: #4c4c4c;
@boulder: #777;
@silver: #ccc;
@gallery: #eee;
@alabaster: #f9f9f9;
// dark mode
@cocoa-brown: #2b231e;
@woody-brown: #39312a;
@merlin: #483c37;
@armadillo: #5b4d48;
@russett: #736059;
@eunry: #d4ab9b;
@ivory-white: #f4eaea;
// brighter shore colors
@mine-shaft: #2F2828; /* text-color */
@hopeport: #FFE233;
@hopeport-dark: #3b382f;
@mantuban: #68ABF1;
@mantuban-dark: #26323d;
@hopeforest: #72D757;
@hopeforest-dark: #2e3930;
@crenopolis: #979797;
@crenopolis-dark: #3f3f3f;
@stonemaw: #C57F41;
@stonemaw-dark: #3b3430;
@blackholm: #000000;
@blackholm-dark: #000000;
/* -------------------
other brands
------------------- */
// Discord
@discord-bg: #5865f2;
@discord-bg-dark: #525ee0;
@discord-bg-darker: #4c57d0;
// Twitter
@twitter-bg: rgb(21, 32, 43);
@twitter-bg-dark: darken(rgb(21, 32, 43), 1.5%);
/* -------------------
status colors
------------------- */
// reds
@mocaccino: #801c13;
@old-brick: #9f261e;
@flamingo: #ee4231;
@apricot-peach: #fbc0ba;
@bridesmaid: #feecea;
// oranges
@antique-bronze: #7a3f08;
@korma: #b55e0c;
@ecstasy: #f7861b;
@corvette: #fbcfa6;
@lace: #fef0e4;
// yellows
@cinnamon: #786300;
@olive: #a48900;
@supernova: #f9d000;
@golden: #fcea94;
@half-dutch: #fef9de;
// greens
@san-felix: #2e5e05;
@la-palma: #3c780a;
@lima: #6bc71f;
@caper: #c3e8a3;
@frost: #ecf8e3;
// blues
@regal-blue: #03436b;
@venice-blue: #0b5884;
@curious-blue: #3ea6e6;
@jordy-blue: #aad9f5;
@tropical-blue: #e5f3fc;
// purples
@honey-flower: #3d276b;
@seance: #4f348b;
@medium-purple: #855cd8;
@perfume: #cfc0f0;
@heliotrope: #f0ecfa;
// pinks
@cosmic: #6d3662;
@cannon-pink: #984c89;
@lavender: #e874cf;
@cherub: #f5c8ec;
@french-lilac: #fceef9;
// other
@black: #000;
@white: #fff;
/* ----------------
---------------- */
@box-shadow: 0 .25rem .35rem -0.25rem rgba(0,0,0,.1);
@box-shadow-dark: 0 .25rem .35rem -0.25rem rgba(0,0,0,.3);
/* ---------------------
--------------------- */
// from wmui:
// <>
@border-radius: 2px;
@border-radius-circle: 50%;
@border-radius-round: 9999px;
/* ---------------------
--------------------- */
// also from wmui
// mobile
@width-breakpoint-mobile: 320px;
// tablet
@width-breakpoint-tablet: 720px;
// desktop
@width-breakpoint-desktop: 1000px;
// Wider desktop
@width-breakpoint-desktop-wide: 1200px;
@width-breakpoint-desktop-extrawide: 2000px;
/* ------------------------
easing curves
------------------------ */
@ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94);
@ease-out-cubic: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1);
/* -----------------
----------------- */
// imported in [[MediaWiki:Common.less/fonts.less]]
@serif-stack: 'Lora', 'Palatino', 'Georgia', serif;
@sans-serif-stack: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Arial', sans-serif;
@BODY_MAIN: var(--body-main);
@BODY_LIGHT: var(--body-light);
@BODY_MID: var(--body-mid);
@BODY_DARK: var(--body-dark);
@BODY_DARKER: var(--body-darker);
@BODY_BORDER: var(--body-border);
@BUTTON_BORDER: var(--button-border);
@BUTTON_DARK: var(--button-dark);
@BUTTON_LIGHT: var(--button-light);
@SIDEBAR: var(--sidebar);
@SEARCH_BOX: var(--search-box);
@LINK_COLOR: var(--link-color);
@REDLINK_COLOR: var(--redlink-color);
@TEXT_COLOR: var(--text-color);
/* infobox */
@infobox-background: @BODY_LIGHT;
@infobox-header-color: @BODY_DARK;
@infobox-border-color: @BODY_BORDER;
@infobox-subheader-color: @BODY_DARK;
@infobox-card-shadow: inset 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 2px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), 0 -2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
@infobox-outer-radius: .6em;
@infobox-inner-radius: 1.2em;