Divination is a type of passive Bonewright activity. The first activity can be unlocked at level 26 Bonewright. Players do not require any materials to start activity.

Locations Edit

Variants Edit

Obscure Divination.pngObscure Divination26
Clouded Divination.pngClouded Divination36
Cryptic Divination.pngCryptic Divination56
Enigmatic Divination.pngEnigmatic Divination64
Sensible Divination.pngSensible Divination74
Decent Divination.pngDecent Divination98
Prudent Divination.pngPrudent Divination108
Observant Divination.pngObservant Divination110
Canny Divination.pngCanny Divination138
Wise Divination.pngWise Divination146
Astute Divination.pngAstute Divination162
Sensitive Divination.pngSensitive Divination170
Shrewd Divination.pngShrewd Divination190
Insightful Divination.pngInsightful Divination200
Enlightened Divination.pngEnlightened Divination232
Piercing Divination.pngPiercing Divination309
Prescient Divination.pngPrescient Divination341
Uncanny Divination.pngUncanny Divination367
Precognizant Divination.pngPrecognizant Divination432
Prophetic Divination.pngProphetic Divination464

Obscure Divination Questions Edit

  • Should I worry about the Fire Toads?
  • Should I get my nails painted?
  • Is it time to buy a new shirt?
  • Should I go on holiday?
  • Will the grachnid be my friend?
  • Do I need more jerky?
  • Should I ask out that cute goblin I fancy?
  • Should i drink the purple water?

Replies Edit

  • Some things are best left unknown.
  • Now is not the time.
  • Look to the east.
  • That is the least bad option.

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.