Brighter Shores:Map Project

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The Brighter Shores Map Project is involved in creating interactable maps on the wiki!

Contributors[edit source]

Leaflet[edit source]

Leaflet-Wiki (bs-cartography)[edit source]

See the project: which is compiled into a javascript gadget.

The Leaflet Wiki code was written by User:Gau Cho, with some contribution from User:Microbrews, inspired by some previous map work done by User:Anyny0.

The episode and room polygons were generated by User:Microbrews, User:Gau Cho, User:Jetta and @valsekamerplant. The entity data was manually compiled by User:Jetta.

The room_data is compiled and copied from the bs-tile-generator project - see below.

A set of links generated by the entity data will be found here: User:Gau_Cho/EntityLinks.

Generating the Map (bs-tile-generator)[edit source]

See the project:

The high-quality base map image (48x48 pixels per tile) was manually compiled by User:Microbrews with a bit of help from @omnipoet on Discord for some restricted rooms. The cache contains 64x64-sized tiles, so eventually a future goal could be to automatically generate the base map.

The room overlay data was manually compiled by User:Gau Cho, User:RandomnessofD and User:Microbrews.

User:Gau Cho's script automatically creates the room overlays, cuts up the large image into 256x256 tiles using vips, and then uploads the map tiles to the wiki. A bot account with admin privileges is required to update the map using the script.

For all of this to work smoothly, a set of links generated by the room overlay script can be found here: User:Gau_Cho/OverlayLinks. In addition, all the used small icons should be included in this list: Brighter_Shores:Orphanage#Map.

Styling[edit source]

The .less/.css file was written by User:Merds, User:Gau Cho and User:Microbrews: MediaWiki:Common.less/leaflet.less