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Aggression or aggressiveness, commonly referred to as aggro, is a trait in active monsters that determines attitude towards players in their vicinity. Aggressive monsters will target players within five tiles of their location on their own, on sight, to initiate combat, and are indicated by a red name.

Aggression mechanics[edit | edit source]

When aggressive monsters spot the player, a white exclamation mark '!' will appear above their heads and the monster will perform a brief action indicating they have spotted the player, giving the player a brief moment before they attempt to fight.

Aggressive monsters have an aggression radius of five tiles in any direction, equivalent to an 11 by 11-tile square centered around them. This is equivalent to the maximum range of the player's ranged weapon. Aggressive stationary monsters such as Floor Tentacles, Spiky Balls and Vipers are an exception to this, as they will only attack the player if they are within range.

Only one aggressive monster will attempt to initiate combat at a time. If another player initiates combat with the agressive monster before it can engage its target, another monster will instantly target the player.

If the targeted player initiates combat with another monster than the one about to attack them, they will override the initial monster's aggression and initiate combat with the monster of their choice.

After some time (around 30 seconds), if the aggressive monster has been trapped in such a way that it never engages in combat with its target, it will lose interest and walk away, but the player is still free to be targeted if not under the effect of Immunity. This currently only happens if the monster is permanently trapped behind an obstacle for a duration of time, such as in the Goblin Camp, where it is possible to trap one of the Goblins using a corner of the Hopeforest Obelisk.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

The previous safe path through Gassy Cave and Moderate Mineshaft, avoiding all tentacle encounters, prior to the room being expanded.

If the player enters combat with an aggressive monster, they can quickly cast Immunity (default hotkey: ESC) to escape combat. Players may also drink a Fear Potion before entering aggressive rooms to prevent themselves from being targeted. Keep in mind that should an aggressive monster engage in combat with the player mid-Immunity cast, the cast will be cancelled, combat will begin and the player would need to re-cast the spell.

When entering an aggressive room, it is recommended to simply run straight through, using the aggressive monster's targeting animation to gain distance in order to avoid combat if possible. Gassy Cave and Moderate Mineshaft contain stationary Floor Tentacles which may be safely traversed by the player without engaging in combat, as shown in the image. However, combat is unavoidable in Quibble Lane, which contains Spiky Balls, due to its narrow pathways, as well as Snakes Clearing and Snakes Path, which contain ranged Vipers. As such players hoping to traverse these rooms without engaging in combat must use a Fear Potion or Immunity.

Aggressive monsters may be used for semi-AFK (Away From Keyboard) activities, whereby the player can still pick up loot from defeating the monsters but does not wish to fully log out. However, the effectiveness of this strategy is limited by the Immunity timer mentioned below.

Aggression Immunity[edit | edit source]

Upon defeating an aggressive monster, the player will gain 30 seconds of immunity. However, this will not begin ticking down until the player moves or otherwise performs any action (including sorting their inventory, clicking on the tile they are currently standing on, and looting / opening loot menus). Moving the camera or the mouse in any other way that does not result in physical player movement or inventory sorting (including opening in-game overlay menus such as Spells, Settings, Map etc, viewing information cards, casting Sense, and switching servers) will not trigger the countdown. However, clicking on anything within the opened in-game overlay menus (any spell except Sense, applying knowledge points, or clicking on any button within the Settings menu) will begin the countdown.

List of aggressive monsters[edit | edit source]

Ep Name Rooms Attack type Immunity Vulnerability Profession Unique Drop
Hopeport Thief Tim's Alley, Limpet Lane Cryonae Cryonae Arborae Guard XP Hopeport
Hopeport Goblin Soldier North Walls Infernae Infernae Tempestae Guard Potato
Hopeport Goblin Chief South Walls Infernae Infernae Tempestae Guard Nettle
Hopeport Ghoul Collapsed Hovels, Wasteland Necromae Necromae Arborae Guard Eel
Hopeforest Goblin Goblin Camp Infernae Infernae Tempestae Scout
Hopeforest Wendigo Ivy Trail, Ivy Junction Cryonae Cryonae Infernae Scout Bone Spike
Hopeforest Viper Snakes Clearing, Snakes Path Tempestae Tempestae Cryonae Scout Snake Scale
Hopeforest Shade Twisted Road, Twisted Junction Necromae Necromae Arborae Scout Goat Horn
Mine of Mantuban Goblin Miner Goblin Sleeping Area 2, Communal Goblin Area Infernae Infernae Tempestae Minefighter Mine Dust
Mine of Mantuban Floor Tentacle Moderate Mineshaft, Gassy Cave Tempestae Tempestae Infernae Minefighter Sucker
Mine of Mantuban Skeleton Miner Forsaken Mine Workings, Wretched Excavation Necromae Necromae Arborae Minefighter
Mine of Mantuban Stonewurm Crumbling Passage, Stonewurm Nests Tempestae Tempestae Arborae Minefighter Rock Scale
Mine of Mantuban Wraith Mysterious Cave, Tormented Chamber Necromae Necromae Tempestae Minefighter
Mine of Mantuban Blob Grimy Tunnel, Slime Pool Arborae Arborae Cryonae Minefighter Slime
Crenopolis Sabertooth Tiger Stony Canyon, Stony Gorge Cryonae Cryonae Tempestae Watchperson Deer Hide
Crenopolis Sewer Fiend Southwest Sewer, Sewer Pipes Impact None Cryonae Watchperson
Crenopolis Zombie Dusty Alley, Dusty Corner Necromae Necromae Infernae Watchperson Black Cow Leather
Crenopolis Spectral Stalker Southeast Sewer, Sewer Pool Necromae Necromae Arborae Watchperson
Crenopolis Spiky Ball Quibble Lane Cryonae Cryonae Tempestae Watchperson Pearl (variant)