Transcript of Retrieving the Golden Cog

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At the tree area

Toblaine: Here we are. Now what? Choose option

    • Now we get into the compound.
      • Player: Now we get into the compound.
      • Toblaine: This feels backwards. It's the criminals that are meant to break into places, not the guards.
    • Now we build a campfire and toast marshmallows.
      • Player: Now we build a campfire and toast marshmallows.
      • Toblaine: I wish you weren't joking. That sounds nice.
  • Constable Carver: Captain Waltain sent word that I should turn a blind eye to a Hopeport mission into Helfar's compound.
  • Constable Carver: I have to say, I'm glad. We've let Helfar get away with too much.
  • Constable Carver: In fact I can do slightly better than blind eye turning.

Climbing the tree

  • Constable Carver: Hey Borash, Grobar says he needs your help at the front gate.
  • Helfar's Guard: I guess I better see what the fool wants.
Guard leaves
  • Constable Carver: Quick over the wall, before he comes back.
Climb the tree
  • Toblaine: Here we are in the jaws of the lion.
  • Player: He's no lion. He's called Helfar the Nightcrow.
  • Toblaine: Here we are in the beak of the crow.

Infiltrating the compound

Head West into Helfar's Wall

Attempting to open the side gate

  • Helfar's Guard: Hey, you shouldn't be here.
The guard throws you out, returning you to the tree

Hiding behind the bush

The guard leaves the door, runs up the ladder, and runs off to the east
Open Helfar's Side Gate
Proceed North into Helfar's Gate
Proceed West into Helfar's Hallway

Entering the Strategy Room

A short cutscene plays. Helfar is standing in front of a table with a map on it.
  • Helfar the Nightcrow: Who the heck are you?
  • Player: Oops sorry to disturb you.
The player leaves the room back to the hallway
  • Player: Better avoid that room.

The Artifact Room

Proceed North into Artifact Room
Cutscene begins
  • Toblaine: Look, the cog!
Camera pans to the cog
Cuts to guards running through a door
  • Helfar's Guard: Stop intruders!
Cutscene ends

Toblaine: You keep those guys occupied. I'll get the cog.

Combat begins with a level 20 guard
Cutscene: Toblaine runs to grab the cog, but is caught on fire. He transforms into a blue-looking person and his name changes to "Possibly Toblaine". He gives the cog to the player.
  • Helfar's Guard: Arghh! Dragon! Run!
  • Possibly Toblaine: Oh dear how embarrassing.

Choose option

    • What's going on? Why are you a lizard?
      • Player: What's going on? Why are you a lizard?
      • Possibly Toblaine: I don't know. I think I'm some sort of half-dragon.
      • Possibly Toblaine: It's happened three times now, always when I'm exposed to fire. It wears off after a bit.
      • Possibly Toblaine: Please don't tell anyone. They'll think I'm a monster.
    • Are you kidding? That was awesome.
      • Player: Are you kidding? That was awesome.
      • Possibly Toblaine: You think so? Most people freak out.
      • Possibly Toblaine: Please don't tell anyone. They'll think I'm a monster.
    • We've got the cog. We can head back.
      • Player: We've got the cog. We can head back.
      • Possibly Toblaine: I'll go back to the barracks in a bit. I need to stop looking like a monster first.