Transcript of Interface
Warning before being logged out due to inactivity Edit
- You will be logged out in 1 minute due to inactivity.
Generating input with the logout warning present Edit
- Activity detected - you will no longer be logged out.
Tutorial for new player character Edit
After closing the name your character interface Edit
- (The following is shown in a tutorial interface:)
- WELCOMEWelcome to Brighter Shores. Click on the things in this
room to interact with them. - ROTATING THE VIEWRotate the view by dragging the 3d view with the left
mouse button. - ZOOMING THE VIEWZoom the view by scrolling the 3d view with the scroll
wheel, or by dragging the 3d view with the right
mouse button. - TALK TO CAPTAIN DEGREENEClick on Captain Degreene to talk to her.