The Lost Shipment

Overview Edit

Walkthrough Edit

Impersonating with a Monobrow Edit

Finding the Thieves Edit

  • Chat with Nelson or Wellington in The Hooked Hand (make sure to remove your armor first).
  • Get the Paper and Pen from the desk in Brannof's Chamber.
  • Use the Paper with the Pen and write the Weapons Order. You can do so by accessing your Toolbelt and then using the Pen on the Paper.
  • Catch the Fetid Flounder in the Overgrown Pond.
  • Use the Weapons Order on the Fetid Flounder to make the Fetid Flounder with a note in it.
  • Give the Fetid Flounder with a note in it to the fishmonger on Eel Street.
  • Lurk behind the bush near the fishmongers cart.
  • Follow the suspicious man through Wilhope Crossing, Wilhope Passage and Monob Row.
  • Knock on the door with your helmet unequipped and impersonate Monobrow Sam.
  • Prepare for a fight with a level 30 thief and level 30 furtive stranger and enter the Thieves' Den.
    • If you retreat from the fight area or die, taking a fear potion before returning will stop the thief from attacking you upon re-entering the area.
    • If you kill the thief and die after, the thief will stay dead, allowing you to fight the furtive stranger.
    • The furtive stranger can be difficult at low levels, try using a range weapon to get a few hits in before he reaches you, then be sure to have potions to heal during the fight.
    • Kiting the thief and furtive stranger around the central box in the room can help to delay their attacks, allowing you to take more health potions during a fight and/or regen more health over time.

Quest end Edit

  • Collect your reward from the Crate.

Rewards Edit

Transcript Edit

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.
  • update 8 November 2024 (Update):
    • Difficulty increased from 1 star to 3 stars.